Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Days 1, 2 and 3

For over a year now, I have been implementing a lose weight/get healthy/fitness plan that has worked on and off....only because I've been following it on and off. I have two big goals that I am determined to reach. One is my New Year's resolution to walk/run 500 miles this year. The second, is from my 30 Before 30 list, which is to hit my goal weight and stay there. Finishing my 5k on Sunday really jump started another attempt to do just that. I was really proud that I even signed up for the race, let alone ran it and finished way below my goal time. Running the 5k really proved to me that my body and mind are capable of way more than I give it credit for and with a little time and a little hard work I can be where I want to be, which is fit, healthy and proud of my body.

I have an added extra boost of motivation because my mom is getting married THIS Friday and I have an awesome dress I got in NYC that I need to squeeze in to.

As I mentioned in Monday's post, I started P90X. I decided to do the "LEAN" schedule because I want to look like this: 

And not like this:
So basically, I do the same exercises (minus a few) but in a different order which helps with weight loss and a more lean muscle look...ala Julianna Hough! I am also trying to do cardio every day to help shed the fat, as well as work towards that 500 mile goal!

To supplement P90X and drop those extra LBS before the wedding, I am also doing a cleanse. But, it's my own version. Instead of doing a super unhealthy and scary lemon water cleanse or any of those other fads, I'm keeping it simple and healthy. I'm just eating fruits and vegetables for the week. But, since I just started P90X, I need more energy than just fruits and veggies can give me so I'm allowing 3 servings of protein a day. Basically, I'm cutting out dairy and carbs for the week. Here's what I've done for these first three days:

DAY 1:
P90X-Core Synergistics
"The basic idea behind the P90X Core Synergistics workout is that the more you engage your core muscles, the stronger you will be for all athletic movements, for all real-world movements, and for injury prevention as well. That is all very true, and since the core muscles include the inner and outer abdominal muscles, the side abdominal muscles, and the muscles of the lower back and the spine, strengthening those areas is simply an all-around great idea." -Credit

Breakfast: 1 container of Trager Joe's Cantaloupe Slices
Snack: Banana and a cup of Green Jasmine Tea
Lunch: Homemade Veggie Soup (I used carrots, celery, corn, spinach, and onions and cooked them in vegetable stock)
Snack: 3 slices of 98% fat free deli Turkey slices
Dinner: Chicken breast and an avacado

2.06 mile walk with my puppy.  

DAY 2: 
P90X0-Cardio X
I watched the Cardio X DVD before I did it because I was curious to see what it was all about. To be honest, I thought it was dumb. The workout is basically a combination of a bunch of the other P90X workouts. The program obviously encourages you to include cardio to maximize your results, who cares if you have muscles if they're hidden under layers of fat, right? So, as this DVD is optional and I am doing my own cardio, I decided to scratch it and run/walk on my own.

Breakfast: 2 cups of mixed fruit, 3 slices of Jennie-O Extra Lean Turkey Bacon
Snack: Large Calypso Mango Iced Tea from Coffee Buzz (unsweetened, whole leaf good!)
Lunch: A banana
Dinner: Chicken breast and an avacado

Ran/Walked for 60 minutes on the treadmill, went 4.33 miles

DAY 3 (in progress)
P90X-Arms and Shoulders/Ab Ripper X
"The set up of this workout is geared more towards working the targeted areas in short, 2-round bursts, rather than the longer sustained sets of exercises in some of the other workouts. The Shoulder and Arm routine is broken down into five 3-set sections, with each set containing an exercise for your shoulders, your biceps, and your triceps. What really rocks, however, is that many of the movements target more than one muscle group, and that extra bit of intensity makes a huge difference compared to doing more standard exercises. Ab Ripper X incorporates a few “standard” abdominal exercises, but overall it is a very unique and well-rounded abdominal workout. Each exercise is only done once, for a total of 25 repetitions, so even as challenging as it is, you only have to make it through one time. Exercises in the AB Ripper X include: In & Outs, Seated Bicycle (forward and reverse), Seated Crunchy Frog, Wide Leg Sit-ups, Fifer Scissors, Hip Rock n’ Raise, Pulse Ups, V-up Roll-up, Oblique V-ups, Leg Climbs, and Mason Twist " -Credit

Breakfast: Banana and a small bowl of Whole Grain Oatmeal (I know...I broke the rules but I needed some sustenance to get me through the workout.)
Snack: 3 slices of 98% fat free deli Turkey slices
Lunch: 2 cups of mixed fruit
Dinner: I'm going to make some ground Turkey with black beans and an avacado

Walked 2.06 miles with my baby girl.

So, that's what I've done so far, and it's TOTALLY WORKING because I've already lost 5 pounds! In two days! Wahoo!

Have any of you done P90X or a cleanse? Do you have any tips and/or advice for either???


  1. HEY! I did P90X last year before my wedding. I loved it, but found it long, 90 days is a long time! I did Insanity this winter and loved it even more and got better results with that. Good work on the down 5!

  2. You go girl! Good lcuk and keep up the good work!

  3. Sounds like a no fail system you're on! Good luck!

  4. Wow, I'm so impressed!!! (Now I have to disappear FAST before you start asking me questions... I'm never telling you what I (don't) do!)

  5. Let us know how it works, I might have to start doing this after my pregnancy.

  6. way to go girlie :)- be careful with all of the fruits.. it adds a lot of sugar to your diet. And as much as it's great being healthy with all of the fruits, sugars can really spike your glucose levels.

  7. Thats Awesome!!! I may need to follow your plan! :)

  8. Hahaha! I love the part about not wanting to look like a rock. That is a little scary. Awesome work out! I need to start running more - thanks for the inspiration!

  9. I am so envious of your motivation and your healthy lifestyle! It makes me want to be day.
    You're gonna look fantastic for your moms wedding! Can't wait to see pics of that hot dress!


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