Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hodge Podge

I have a ton of different things I want to blog about, none of which is "meaty" enough to warrant it's own I'm throwing it all together in this magnificent hodge podge of a blog post.

First off, I'm going to cheat and do Jen's "Favorite Friday" today....because I LOVE this weeks topic! I hope she doesn't mind!
This week's
 topic is....
F*R*I*E*N*D*S Character!
Anyone who knows me, (BB, you can CERTAINLY attest to this) knows that I am OBSESSED with the show FRIENDS. It is my all time favorite TV show and I'm not lying when I say I've seen every episode at least ten times! No joke. I cannot even believe I've been blogging for almost a year and have never brought up this addiction. FRIENDS has gotten me through a lot. Whenever I am going through a hard time (whatever it may be), I turn to FRIENDS. I will pop in the DVD (of course I have the whole series) and watch from episode 1. I can't help but laugh and the show always cheers me up. J hates watching the show with me because I laugh before the jokes because I know what's be fair that is really annoying, but I can't help it. To try and pick a favorite character is really hard. They all have their own quirks that make them hilarious, and it's the interaction with each other that makes the show so hilarious. But, if I really have to pick just one I would have to say, Rachel.
I love Jennifer Aniston and the character of Rachel, she is beautiful but doesn't take herself too seriously. She is spoiled and sometimes not the brightest, yet she's still lovable. Plus, who else could revolutionalize a hair style named after a TV character?!

Next, So You Think You Can Dance. Last night was another great show as the final four dancers each performed three dances in hopes of making it to next week's finale. It was hard to choose, because there were many great routines last night, but Robert & Dominic's Nappy Tab's Hip Hop routine was my favorite!
This routine was another amazingly create and brilliantly choreographed routine from Tabitha and Napoleon. Robert, once again, was flawless! I watched this routine 3 times, once in slow motion just to prove to J that they were in sync. I loved it. Travis Wall's contemporary with Kent and Neil was a very, very close second. 
Tonight one final contestant will be sent home and the remaining three will go on to the finale!
My guess is that AdeChike's time has come to an end.
He has been one of my faves from the beginning, but compared to the other three he just doesn't stack up. 

Here's to hoping my FAVORITES will be in the finale (please let Rob be there! PLEASE!)

I'm on Day 4 of my cleanse and P90X and it's still going great. Yesterday was a bit of a struggle food wise. I made ground turkey that I ate will black beans and an avacado and used the leftover meat to make a spaghetti sauce for J. So I'm there eating my little meal and he's mowing down on a massive plate of desire for carbs at that moment were insane. Today my P90X workout is Yoga. I did the yoga dvd with J last week and wasn't a dfan. The P90X version of yoga is really made for strength training....which makes total sense since that is the purpose of the video. You hold the poses much longer and they add push ups and other strength moves in with the yoga. For me, I love the mindfulness of real yoga. I like the breathing and the flow of a typical yoga practice. So, tonight instead of doing the dvd I'm going to go to a yoga class. That's legit, right? This way I can give my body and mind a nice workout.

Also, don't forget that tomorrow is:
So make sure you post about Project Runway (if you watch it) or about anything else fashion related! Then come back here, grab the button and link up! I'll be pre-writing my post tonight and have it scheduled to up and ready for you tomorrow. Why do I have to schedule this post you ask? 

Because......MY MOM IS GETTING MARRIED TOMORROW! I am so happy for her and so excited to share this special day with her and my almost step-dad Steve! I will no doubt have a million and a half pictures to show you on Monday!
Marissa and Natalie (my almost step-sisters), Steve (my almost step-dad), my mom, me and my little brother, Nate at their engagement party last summer.

Ok, I think I've managed to squeeze in enough for one day! 


  1. You're right... I can attest to your Friends addiction! haha I love you for it though! So excited for your mama!!! :)

  2. So glad you found my blog :) And I totally agree with you, Adecheke has got to go tonight. I don't think he's nearly as strong as the others. I'm rooting for Kent or Lauren!

  3. Just found your blog :) I think Adecheke is going home too! I liked the clown dance, but Neil and Kent's routine stole my heart :)

  4. You were right about Adecheke! And yes - I LOVED that hip hop routine too!!


  5. Ahhhh Rachel is an excellent choice; I was waiting for someone to pick her!!! :)

  6. I am so happy Adechike got kicked off. Robert deserves to be in the finale as well as Lauren! I hope she takes away the prize!


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