Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hey, Thanks A Lot!

I just want to thank Liesl from Fabulous Fashions Sensible Style for this award and for all the sweet comments yesterday! Thanks woman!

And, here are a few ladies who brighten my day every day and deserve a little sunshine award too....

MY BB (duh) from Life, Love & Puppy Prints
DESIREE from Hitting My Stride
MS. EMILY ANN from My Heart Shaped Life


  1. Thank you so much pretty lady!! I've really loved getting to know you from your blog, our emails, and facebook. I'm so excited to have you as a new friend and you definitely bring sunshine to my day!

  2. You are so welcome, Kristin! Loved all the blogs you passed it onto and am so glad I came across yours...I'll have to stop in your coffee shop one day too! :)

    Liesl :)

  3. Awwww thanks sweety!! And congrats on your award!!


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