Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wedding Wednesday!

So weird that I actually get to particpate in this now! How exciting! I will say that I highly doubt my wedding related posts will be limited to just Wednesdays but it's a rainy afternoon in Minneapolis and I have nothing else to write about.

I want to thank all of you for your words of wisdom regarding picking a date and engagement length. J and I are still tossing around a couple of ideas and will hopefully have something nailed down soon. Then, of course, we'll have to make sure our ceremony and reception venues are available those days, but I can feel us getting closer to actually having a wedding date! Woohoo! 

One thing I have always known about my wedding is that my colors will be black and white. Those who know me personally will not be the least bit shocked by this detail. When I say black and white I mean ALL black and color. I want this wedding to be beautiful and timeless and classic but have a modern and metropolitan feel. I've been perusing the internet for inspiration and ideas and I thought for my first Wedding Wednesday I'd give you all a peek at what I've been looking at.



  1. You can't go wrong with black and white! It will definitely always look timeless and just about EVERYTHING comes in black or white. Good call! My colors are pink and yellow and trust me sister, not a whole lot comes in yellow or even the right shade of pink that I'm using. Oy vey.

  2. Can't wait till you pick a date!! Soo exciting. And I'm loving your inspirations. Black and white are most definitely timeless and classic!

  3. So pretty!

    I love the Calla Lilly centerpieces, they are very close to what I am thinking for my wedding.

  4. i LOVE it all!!!! looking forward to following your wedding planning! :)

  5. Black and white is so classic. Your inspirations are great!

  6. THIS is genius! I go back and fourth between black and white and yellow and silver! I've decided that when/if I get married during the summer/spring it'll be yellow/silver if its in the winter it'll be black/white!

    I am in crazy love with the first cake pictured! TO DIE FOR!

  7. Black and white is always a win-win! You really can't go wrong. That cake and the Manolo Blahniks are making my heart go pitter patter!!

    Happy wedding Wednesday, Kristin! xoxo

  8. LOVE the zebra pumps, REALLY LOVE the black table chandeliers and the white BM dress with black sash on the runway- AWESOME. B & W will be so great!! Best of luck in all you planning. I meant to comment on the date picking... but I am sure you heard plenty from all your readers. I look forward to all future WW posts :) xo -A
    p.s. boo too this rainy day in mpls ;)

  9. Look at this one lady! Janna

  10. So gorgeous!! Cannot wait to follow along with the planning!

  11. so classic! And I love the stationary set :)

  12. Black and white is such a classic combination and congrats on your exciting!

    Your blog is adorable and I love that you are starting your own business, I have always thought about doing that and the idea of a coffee it!!!

    Continued success with everything and I look forward to seeing how it is going!

    Liesl :)

  13. This is amazing so far! :-) I'm so excited to read how the planning goes... maybe I'll learn a few things! (A girl can dream, right?)

  14. P.S. Love your blog and just wanted to let you know that I awarded you with the Sunshine Blog Award! :)

    Liesl :)

  15. Ooooh I just love the candelabras! Soo romantic!


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