Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I'm Ready to Talk About It

After all the anticipation of the Gopher's first home game I am sure you were all devastated to not receive a play-by-play of my weekend in yesterday's post (sense my sarcasm?) Truth is I have been going through some extensive therapy these past few days and this weekend's memories are slowly coming back to me and I now feel strong enough to openly discuss what happened.

We lost.

We, a Division 1-A team lost to South Dakota, a Division 1-AA team. I will give SD props because they were a good team and played well but there is no excuse. We should have won by 30 and not even because we're a good team but because we're a frickin DIVISON 1-A team. The game was hard to watch. It was embarrassing. Shocking. Depressing. Aggravating. Disgusting. And, painful. The fans wearing maroon and gold last Saturday were speechless. We couldn't even be mad because we were all in complete shock. Immediately following the game a "Fire Brewster" (our head coach) chant was echoing through the halls of TCF Bank Stadium, a move that should have been made after his first year of failure. There is some hope in all of this...maybe this is the wake up call the University needs. Get Brewster the heck out of here!

Now let me share with you the great parts of that day. Saturday morning at 6:30am me, J and our two younger brothers set out for our tailgating spot. My dad is a season ticket holder and therefore has an awesome reserved tailgating lot that us kids always get to early to scope out a great spot. We realize it is completely ridiculous to stand in the middle of a parking lot and "tailgate" without a car, but we do what we have to do. Eventually, my dad rolls in with the mini van packed full of delicious food, ice cold adult beverages and any other ridiculous maroon and gold colored accessories we may need for the day. The weather on Saturday started out cloudy, extremely windy and colder than expected...but soon the clouds parted and the sun began to shine. The morning of our first tailgate was a beautiful one and here are some pictures documenting just that.

 Me with my baby brother and baby sister!

My Delta Chi boys doing their first ceremonial Shot Gun of the season.

Fiance, my dad, my future father-in-law and me :)

My future father-in-law. We've been buddies since I was born....he's one of the few people I let call me Krissy.

My aunt got us tickets to a suite....here's our view! 

 'M' shaped chex mix!!! 

Me and my fiance!!! 

I may be hurt, I may be disappointed but one thing I'm not is bandwagon. I will be back at that stadium next weekend and the weekends after that cheering just as loud as always and believing that a miracle can happen and that Gopher's can somehow win another game this season.


  1. Dear Kristin,
    I apologize for the loss, I did not know that we had a game that day otherwise I would have had a better gameplan. I thought this week was a bye and our next game was against USC (i got a great gameplan for them, guarantee we only lose by 49 :)
    Please tell your fiance to quit telling everyone that I am a HORRIBLE head coach, I try real hard and that counts right?? Well thanks for your support, if you have a plays you think will work PLEASE send them to me as I dont know very many.
    Thanks Kristin.
    Your coach for 2 more games,
    Tim Brewster

  2. I love that yo uget to go to all the games! Lucky! :))

    I'm a Minnesota girl, but I have never been to a gopher game! My mom is obsessed though!

    I'm a big Gator fan, but only because I had so much fun when I lived there! Plus I got to actually go to a game :)

    Good luck next week!

  3. Oh I feel your pain - I'm a Virginia Tech fan but live in Harrisonburg, home of the JMU Dukes. Me and hubs were soooo feeling the pain of our loss this weekend.

  4. Awww I hate when my team loses. Feel better soon love!

  5. I think us South Dakotans were just as shocked as you guys haha! I don't think anyone excpected USD to win!

  6. I'm sorry for your loss :-( Glad you're doing better today. loving the family pics!


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