Monday, October 11, 2010

A Whole Lotta

Before I can write about anything I need to wish my future Mother-in-Law a VERY Happy Birthday!!! 
I hope you have a wonderful day and I'm excited to celebrate with you this weekend! 

You may have noticed (or maybe you didn't) that I was a terrible blogger last week. We have been so super busy and I just didn't have the time or motivation to post anything. So, I figured I'd share what I've been up to this past week of craziness. 

Friday, October 2nd
Friday, my friend Ashley invited to me to go to a fashion show at a super cool warehouse in Northeast Minneapolis. The show was for the store Peppermint Park who work on a membership model. They sell designer clothes to their members at extreme discounts. For example, I saw a beautiful brand new Coach bag for $50.00! The party was a blast! Everything was decorated with a peppermint theme, that fashion was great, the clothes were amazing and they had amazing food and plenty of adult beverages to go around! 

Saturday, October 2nd
Saturday was the University of Minnesota's Homecoming, which is one of my favorite days of the year. We were on campus, tailgating and watching the Gophers lose. But, even though the Gophs are terrible it was a wonderful day full of great college memories. And J won us these super sweet Minnesota Ray Ban sunglasses.
Saturday night, we met up with some of my best college friends in Uptown. My Lil Bro Steve was in town and we had a great time catching up. It was hilarious and we didn't skip a beat, it was like he had never left and we were right back in college hanging out at Delta Chi. I had so much fun! 

Sunday, October 3rd
I slept ALL day! 

Monday, October 4th
Monday, I worked in the morning and then had a meeting with the caterer for International Market Square. I'm working with her to try and get everything within our budget. We love the space and if we can get the price down we may just have a reception venue!!! Monday night I met my sister, Natalie for dinner at Salut in Edina. We had a great time catching up and shared some amazing Pommes Frites with bernaise sauce! 

Tuesday, October 5th
Tuesday is my day off and I spent the whole day cleaning our house. Man did it need it! I also had to babysit for an hour. Then, I met my friend Christina for dinner at our favorite restaurant Big Bowl! She just got back from a week in Europe and it was wonderful hearing about her trip and catching up! 

Wednesday, October 6th
This day was one of the worst days of my life. This was the day of the break in. That afternoon I did some retail therapy and got a bunch of stuff to decorate Coffee Buzz for Halloween. We may have been robbed but dammit we're going to be festive!
 (The mantel over the fireplace)
(Close up of my little tombstones, love them!)
(These little Frankensteins are filled with candy and are on every table)
(it would be a lot cuter with a TV....)
(we got the beautiful flowers from one of our amazing neighbors)

Wednesday night we had J's family over for the Twins vs Yankees game. Although the Twins lost it was a great night with family cheering and routing on our team and a ton of really great food! 
Bailey rockin' her Homer Hankie!

Thursday, October 7th
Thursday I had to work at Coffee Buzz from open to close. This is the day that my mom came with me so that I didn't die of an anxiety attack! Then after work I babysat for a little girl I used to watch in college. I started watching Hazel once a week when she was just 3 months old and did so for two years. Once I finished school and started working full-time I had to stop babysitting. Now she is 4 years-old and I was thrilled when her mom called and asked if I was free! It was so fun to see Hazel and I was amazed at how much she's grown and how beautiful and smart she is! She absolutely loves Disney princesses and while she was brushing her teeth she tells me, "I love Princess Jasmine, even though she wears pants." So funny! 

Friday, October 8th
Friday I worked in the afternoon and then met my BB for dinner at one of my favorite college spots Burrito Loco. We got a pitcher of margaritas and an order of fajitas for $15!!! Amazing deal and one we will probably take advantage of again!

Saturday, October 9th
Saturday J and I worked all day. When we were done we celebrated Bailey's 2nd Birthday by giving her this Chicken Stew that Wellness (her brand of food) makes...she went bananas! We also had our friends Robyn and Brad over to watch the Twins get swept by the Yankees. Sad day!
It was a fun night though, it was a very chill night at home. My darling fiance bought me some SkinnyGirl Margaritas which I was PUMPED about because I have been dying to try them and hadn't had a chance yet!
They were delicious! Good work Bethanny! I added a little bit of water to mine just because it was a little strong for me, but I will definitely be buying this bad boy again and I'm excited to try her other drinks!

Sunday, October 10th
I slept ALL day!


  1. Sounds like you have been quite busy, but having fun. I've been interested in trying the Skinny Girl Margaritas. Have a great day!

  2. oh my goodness hun, you are one busy little gal!! looks like you have been having a lot of fun though!! i love all the decor at the coffee shop, so cute!
    too bad the twins stink :( maybe next year... ;)
    have a great monday girly!!

  3. 1- your bro is super cute
    2- you are gorgeous
    3- your Halloween decor looks awesome.

    :) Happy Monday!

  4. You really are a busy bee! The Halloween decor looks great! The fashion show looked like a ton of fun, and I'll have to try that margarita!!

  5. Love your halloween decor!! Fall is my favorite

  6. Love the halloween decorations at the shop!!


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