Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Best Dip Ever

I am about to share with you a recipe that will change your life. I've been making Taco Dip for years but the past few times I've made it I've been experimenting and making some changes. I think I've got this recipe to the point where it just could not be any better. I have considered keeping this recipe top secret but because I love you all so much, I'm going to share the amazingness that is this Taco Dip Recipe!

-1 lb ground Turkey
-16oz Sour Cream (I use light)
-8oz brick of Cream Cheese
-Tortilla Chips
-1 small onion
-Can of sliced Black Olives
-Can of chopped jalapenos
-Shredded lettuce
-2 packets of Taco Seasoning (I use reduced sodium)
-Shredded cheese (I use the Taco seasoned cheese)
-Franks hot sauce (a must for every recipe!)

-Start by sauteing the onions in a small amount of olive oil
- Add the ground turkey and cook until brown
-Add one packet of Taco Seasoning with 2/3 cups of water and simmer until sauce is thickened
-Next, soften the cream cheese in the microwave
-Stir in sour cream and second packet of Taco Seasoning
-Spread the cream cheese & sour cream on the bottom of a baking dish
-Add ground turkey and onions on top of the cream cheese/sour cream
-Sprinkle shredded cheese (to taste) on top of the meat
-Sprinkle Black Olives and Jalapenos on top (to taste) and if you like tomatoes chop some of those up and throw them on top (we're a non-tomato eating family)
-Add a very generous amount of Franks Hot Sauce
-Sprinkle the top with shredded lettuce
-Grab your tortilla chips and DIG IN!!! 


  1. YUMMY!!!!! I'm so going to have to try this!!

  2. I'm a huge fan of dips. This is a great spin on the traditional layered corn chip dip!

  3. I LOVE taco dips and this one looks so yummy! I might have to make this for one of our girl's nights coming up! Thanks, Kristin!

    Liesl :)

  4. OMY, now i need to find something to make this for... haha!! can't wait to try it out, thanks for the share ;) -A

  5. goodness, this looks and sounds delicious!!! i love taco dip!! num!! thanks for sharing hun :)

  6. You are right, this is a life changer! Taco dips never get old, all of the variations always so yummy. Chips and dips are my comfort food of choice. Can't wait to try this during a Sunday football game, post wedding!

  7. I made this last weekend, and it was a MAJOR hit!! Thanks for the recipe. It's going in my "will make again" stack.


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