Friday, October 22, 2010

Say a Little Prayer

My little brother (well actually he's not little, but he is younger) is having surgery today.
 Nate is a senior at St. Olaf College and is the captain of the basketball team. This week during practice he hurt his knee. He saw the doctor immediately, but unfortunately because he is not able to straighten his knee he couldn't get an MRI. The doctor was able to determine that he tore his meniscus, but any diagnosis beyond that would come from doing an MRI. The doctor gave him Valium in hopes of relaxing his muscles and therefore straightening his knee. If the knee straightened they were going to attempt another MRI this morning, but I just got the news from my mom that his knee did not straighten. He has surgery scheduled this afternoon at 12:30. The doctor will have to go in and first determine what the damage is and then repair his knee from there. If it is in fact just his meniscus the doctor said the recovery would be quick and he could walk on it within a week. Any further damage will just prolong his recovery and effect whether or not he can practice and play with his team. SO, all you lovely blog friends, if you have a spare second today would you mind saying a quick little prayer that my brother's surgery goes well and that the injury isn't any worse? THANK YOU!

In other news, I am starting job #3 today! I got a part time job working for the bridal shop, Mary Kay's Bridal, up the street from Coffee Buzz. You've all heard me talk about it a million times because I LOVE IT! Since opening the Buzz I've become really good friends with the owner, Mary Kay and her daughter, Ashley.

I'm going to be working there a few hours a week to earn some extra wedding money! It's always a little nerve racking starting a new job, but I already know all the employees (and love them) so I'm hoping it will be a smooth start. It's also nice because I just brought a change of clothes to Coffee Buzz and once I'm done here, I'll just walk up there to work. Super easy!

As for the rest of the weekend....once I'm done at Mary Kay's I'm heading down to campus to chaperon an exchange at AOTT, one of the duties of the Social Advisor. It should be fun because my friend Claire (the past  Social Advisor) will be there to transition me in to the position. Then Saturday is Gopher game day! The Goph's are playing Penn State at home and it will be our first game since firing our completely awful head coach. I'm by no means expecting a win, but getting rid of that idiot is a giant step in the right direction. After the game, we're going to my friend Megan's to watch some more football. THEN, on Sunday, me and the BB are going to the Twin Cities Wedding Fair! I'm so pumped! It's going to be another jam packed weekend, but it's going to be a blast! Expect tons of pics on Monday!

Have a great weekend!!!


  1. Prayers for your brother. Sounds like an exciting job! And have a great weekend!

  2. Saying a prayer for your baby brother - I hope it all turns out ok!

  3. Thinking of your brother today, and sending lots of smiles his way for a speedy recovery...I know everything will be just fine! :)

    Liesl :)

  4. I'll definitely have your brother in my prayers today, hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  5. I'll keep your brother in my prayers! I hope the damage is minimal and that he'll heal quickly.

    Congrats on the new job! That's wonderful that you found a place that's close to you and that you already enjoy. I can't believe you're working so much, you go girl!

    Have fun as a chaperone! Can't wait to hear how it goes!

  6. Hope your brothers surgery went well! I'm considering starting a 2nd job for extra income too, and even though it's not the first time, I still get nervous! Good luck on the new job!


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