Monday, October 25, 2010

Weekend Update

Another weekend has just flown by and I cannot believe it's already Monday again. We have been packing in so much each weekend it makes them just speed by.
Friday was perhaps the longest day of my life. I started by opening Coffee Buzz and working there until noon. From noon until 5:30pm I had my first day of work at Mary Kay's Bridal. It went really well....I definitely learned a lot. I helped a bride try on dresses, helped move old files in to the storage unit and was given the title of Marketing Manager! Mary Kay gave me the responsibility of taking care of all of her marketing which I am so excited about! She gave me a budget and I basically get to figure out how to get the store's name out there! I'm starting by sorting through all the marketing she is currently doing to see what is working and what is not. Of course, the first thing I did was contact my favorite website, to see how we can get Mary Kay's on there! I am really excited about this opportunity and have my first meeting with The Perfect Wedding Guide this afternoon.

After I finished up at Mary Kay's I stopped by my mom's house to see my brother. Thank you all so much for your kind comments and for taking time out of your busy days to think of my brother. The surgery went really well. It was a little more involved than the originally thought, but nothing super major. He is recovering really well and will hopefully be able to play again in a month or two. Fingers crossed! From my mom's I headed to my old sorority house to chaperon an exchange and get transitioned in to my new position as the Social Advisor. It was pretty quick and painless, which was great because by this point I was exhausted! Finally, I stopped by the in-law's-to-be where they were kind enough to fill my empty belly with a delicious dinner. I finally made it home around 10pm and was asleep within minutes.

Saturday was Gopher Game Day!!! All of the weather reports were predicting rain, so we decided to mix up our usual tailgating routine and head to the bar instead. We spent the morning at Blarney's Pub (one of my favorite college hang outs) and had breakfast and some delicious Bloody Mary's. When we noticed that there was in fact no rain at all we took off for our tailgating lot to squeeze in a couple of pre-game beers.
Me and the fiance!

Our friend Pat who was sporting some industrial rain boots...that of course he didn't end up needing

Our friend Ryan is a Penn State he sucks
 The new poster children for Coors Light
As expected, the Gophers lost. We're just calling this season a wash...we got rid of our awful head coach and our awful quarterback is graduating. All we can do is hope that next season will be better, at least we know it can't be much worse. After the game we went to my friend Megan's to watch more college football. It was great catching up with a bunch of my high school girlfriends! It was so sweet because towards the end of the night everyone gathered around and Megan opened a bottle of champagne to toast me and J's engagement! 

Sunday, me and my BB went to the Wedding Fair. Talk about overwhelming! We got there right when it began and 11am and there was a line wrapped around the place. It was crazy! I got some good information from a couple of vendors and so did Carolyn. It was a fun time and I'm really glad I went but it's definitely not something I ever need to do again. Finally, last night J and I went over to my dad's house to watch Brett Favre completely blow the Vikings game against the Packers. There was only so much I could take and I fell asleep right before the start of the 4th quarter....whoops!


  1. haha wedding fairs also gave me headaches, i actually went to a 2nd or 3rd one and it was small. the only reason i agreed to it, was b/c it was held at treasure island casino, in the town where our reception would be held and i STILL got a headache but got so much more out that one. they are SUPER overwhelming- true DAT! haha

  2. Sounds like a great weekend! Congrats on your new title!

  3. all of your weekend are quite busy! good to hear that your new job went so well! i know you'll be perfect as their new marketing rep!

  4. So glad you are enjoying working at Mary Kays. Sounds like a great gig! And I'm so happy your brothers surgery went well.

  5. That job sounds fabulous. What a wonderful experience!


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