Monday, November 8, 2010

Engagement Party

On Saturday, my dad and step-mom hosted an Engagement Party for me and J. It was a blast! I was completely overwhelmed with the amount of people who came to celebrate. We had all eight of our parents together for the first time EVER and I was so proud and grateful that everyone got along and had fun. We received so many sweet cards and are stocked with champagne for quite a while. My favorite part of the evening was towards the end when most of the guests had left, there were about fifteen of us left and we all pulled our chairs in to a giant circle and just chatted. It was a great remaining group and the conversation was hilarious....we may have even played a game of telephone (I thought it would be funny). The only thing I am not happy about is that I didn't get very many pictures. My little sister was in charge of the camera for the beginning of the party but then I was so busy talking to everyone I wasn't even thinking about pictures.
Bride and Groom!

All of the tables were decorated with black napkins, candles and b&w pictures of J and I. There were also black and white balloons everyone, but of course I didn't get a picture of the whole room.

Gift/Guest book table!

So many great family and friends!

Finally sitting down.


  1. You look precious! Congratulations again! :)

  2. What an amazing engagement party! Thanks for sharing the pictures you were able to capture! And I love that your dress matched the color scheme!

  3. Aw sounds like such a great time!! And I loved your outfit!!

  4. awesome!! all of our parents won't be together until the rehearsal dinner- yikes!!

    the party looks like it was a lot of fun and you look so pretty!

    congrats again!

  5. so fun! you look beautiful, congratulations :-)

  6. You look great! How awesome to have all your family/friends in one room, it's only going to get better. :)

  7. HOw great! I am so glad the night turned out so fabulous!

  8. How WONDERFUL! I loooove your dress - Smokin! ;)

  9. Aw, how nice! You both looked so cute! Love the pictures, and the table set up!


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