Friday, November 5, 2010


In 1 year....
12 months...
52 weeks....
365 days...

Today is our Anniversary-to-be and I am really excited! It's so crazy to think that exactly one year from today I will be marrying my best friend, my soul mate, my partner in crime!
These next 365 days are going to be crazy! We are going to be so busy but are going to have so much fun! Not only will we be planning our wedding but we have 4 weddings (not including ours) next summer AND we are both in Jake in Carolyn's wedding in September, just 5 weeks before our wedding!

We decided to have a little mini-celebration for our anniversary-to-be so tonight I am going to attempt to cook us a nice dinner, we'll have some champagne and probably watch a wedding related movie (if I can talk J in to it). I can't wait to spend the evening with J all to myself and look forward to the year to come!

I am also super excited because tomorrow is our Engagement Party! I love that we are celebrating our engagement this weekend, the same weekend we'll be getting married the next year! We have tons of family and friends coming to celebrate with us tomorrow and I am so excited to have all these amazing people in one room, what a great preview for next year!


  1. Wow, 1 year!! Think about where you were a year ago today? Seems like it's gone fast, right? Exciting! Have a great time at your engagement party this weekend :-)

  2. YAHH!!! It will be here before you know it. Literally - I'm 9 days away and I can't believe how fast time flies. Remember to breathe when you get to this point though.

    Wow ya'll have a great support system. Have fun at your engagement party! So happy for you!!

  3. Enjoy this year, it's going to go fast.

  4. awe! what an exciting day and weekend you have planned! have so much fun! XO -A

  5. Enjoy your engagement year!! It will fly by!

  6. Hope you have an awesome time at your engagement party! This time next year you'll be a married lady. :D How exciting!

  7. How exciting for you!!! I shall be counting down with you...can't wait for more wedding posts and pictures too! :) Enjoy your engagement party!!!

    Liesl :)

  8. OH MY GOODNESS!! Congrats...1 year...eeeeekkksss!! And have a fabulous time at your engagement party...I'm sure it will be a blast


  9. So exciting!! It's gonna go by so fast trust me!!!

  10. How sweet to celebrate your anniversary to be!! This is such an exciting time for you! Excited to follow you on your wedding planning journey! Hope you have a blast at your engagement party! xo

  11. So exciting!! I'm so happy I found your blog, it's adorable. Can't wait to follow your journey (:

  12. Yeyy! I remember being at a year... and it really flew by! Enjoy!


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