Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I Found My Dress!

As I mentioned on Friday, I went wedding dress shopping this past Sunday. I was super nervous. I am incredibly picky and I change my mind all. the. time. So, When it came to making a decision about a dress I will wear one time on the most important day of my life that I would have to choose now and not wear until November....I was scared. What if I didn't find one I liked? What if I found more than one I liked? What if I found one I liked and then later found one I liked more? What if I didn't have that "You just know" moment that everyone says you have? I knew I had to have the people who know me best there, but I was afraid if I had too many people I would have an anxiety attack. So I invited my best friends, my little sister and my mom. Plain and simple. No pressure. I had a private showing at Mary Kay's Bridal, so we had the entire store to ourselves and my lovely friend Ashley was sweet enough to give up her Sunday to be there to help me.
They made me wear the tiara...even though I didn't really argue.

We had all the essentials...

Champagne, Wine, Cheese & Crackers and Britney Spears Greatest Hits.

We made delicious Cherry Mimosas

And, my BB made an amazing cheesecake for us to share....

Complete with an 'F' ornament, for my future last name! Sooo thoughtful!

I went in with an open mind. I told them I would try on anything and everything they wanted to see me in but I had four dresses that I had chosen. My darling BB knew exactly the kind of dress I didn't want and so that is exactly the dress she found for me to put on.

I don't want sleeves, I don't want poofy and I don't want flowers and this had them all. It was actually a beautiful dress, but sooooo not me.

We got the funny one out of the way and then got down to business. I tried on one dress I didn't think I'd like at all, but actually loved it. It had a beautiful beaded bodice that came just below my hips and then belled out into a satin trumpet skirt with tulle overlay. It was gorgeous and I really liked it, but it wasn't "the one."

Next I tried on a dress that I had actually tried on before, one that I thought had serious potential to be "the one." It fit me perfectly and had an AMAZING train. The only problem with it was I didn't think it was a WOW. It was a little simpler than I had wanted. I knew I had the option to add some beading or some other details to make it more of what I wanted, but then I wouldn't know how it would turn out until it was done, and if I didn't like it I would be screwed. But, we kept it in the running.

Then I put on dress #4. It had all the elements I wanted but it didn't have the amazing shape that the previous dress had. Thanks to Ashley being a pro she pinned it and gave it the shape of the last dress....and that's when it happened. I had "THE MOMENT." Ashley put a veil on me and gave me some beautiful earrings and I lost it. I cried. I looked at my mom who was crying, my friends had tears in their eyes and even Ashley was misty. This was it. I was wearing my wedding dress.

After an hour of just hanging out in my dress I filled out the paper work and was ready to seal the deal.

I want so badly to show you pictures of all the dresses but the boy reads this blog and I don't want him to have even a hint of what it looks like. Sorry, but you'll have to wait until November to see what I chose. I am so excited and relived and thankful that choosing my dress was so fun and stress-free! It feels so good to have this major, MAJOR "to-do" crossed off my list!


  1. Awww I so remember putting on "the dress" and feeling that rush of emotions flood my body. I am SO happy that you can cross this off your list and that you now have something to picture yourself wearing when you daydream about your big day. Congrats girlie! I can't wait to someday see "the dress!"

  2. Congrats on finding your dress so quickly. I also had the same luck. I know what you mean about wanting to post the dress on the blog. i wish I could put just a hint of what mine looks like on here but I can't. :(

  3. Hooray!! That is such an exciting item from your wedding checklist!! I can't wait to see what you picked!!

  4. Yay that's amazing!! I wish I could see! haha Hope you had a ton of fun!

    where do people keep wedding dresses anyway!? I wouldnt want to keep it at my house..too afraid my boyfriend would try to sneak peeks at it!


  5. yayyy!!!! congrats on finding your dress!!!! :) i bet it's so beautiful!!

  6. Congrats on finding and buying your dress!! Isn't that feeling of finding 'the one' just amazing?!

  7. OH MY GOODNESS... CONGRATS!! That is so exciting...and it really looked like the perfect setting to find the perfect dress. Loved how you had all the sweet snacks there as well. Any hints you can give a girl about the big dress;)

  8. How exciting! Congrats on finding the perfect dress! It's so great that you had a "moment" when you tried it on! I had to try on final contenders a few times and hem and haw over it before I finally picked one.

  9. I don't know if I can wait until November! I love looking at wedding dresses :) CONGRATS!!! I bet you feel a big weight lifted off your shoulders and now you are even more excited for the big day. If you ever email pics of the dress...count me in for that! I want to see it haha

  10. that's so amazing!! i didn't really believe in the "moment" of finding "the one" until i shopped and it happened to me. I LOVE my dress, and my only advice for all wedding related things are once you've found something is to stop looking!! although that may be hard for you since you work at a bridal store. i can't wait to see the dress you found, i'm so so excited for you!!

  11. how exciting!!! i can't wait see it!!
    ya'll certainly know the fun way to dress shop!!

  12. Well, I cried reading your blog. How exciting and emotional. As a mother-in-law to be I feel very blessed.

    (Hi J and Bailey Mae)

  13. What a magical day!! Congratulations girl!!! I can't wait to see pictures in Nov, I am sure you look just gorgeous in it!!

  14. How exciting and what fun! Congratulations, Kristin!!!

    Liesl :)

  15. "Britney Spears Greatest Hits" omg too funny this is soo what my gf's and I would have as well. LOVE it!! Too cute can't wait to see the pics!

  16. SO exciting!! I *just* shared photos of my wedding dress for the first time on my recent post (except for the few wedding day pics I put up right after we got married) because I wanted to wait until after the wedding too. It sounds like you had a very special day with everyone around you and celebrating in style! Congratulations :-D

  17. How awesome! Sounds like you have some great friends. Congratulations on finding your dress! I had "the moment" too. My sister and I hugged and cried for lordy knows how long. It's an awesome feeling!

  18. Aw, congratulations on finding your dress! It looks like you girls had a fun time!

  19. I just started to follow your blog.. and yes i love your dress!


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