Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I Frickin' Love Tacos

-1lb extra lean Ground Turkey
-Salad shells
-Taco Seasoning
-Your favorite taco toppings! I used....
*1/2 Onion
*Shredded REDUCED FAT Mexican Cheese
*Black Olives
*Diced Jalapenos
*Franks Hot Sauce

-Preheat oven to 350*

-Saute onions in olive oil and sprinkle with cayenne pepper

-Prepare salad shells for baking. The kit I used includes these:

Which you fold to look like this:

Then after microwaving the tortillas for 15 seconds you lay them over the form and place them on a non-greased cookie sheet, like this:

-Place the shells in the oven and cook for 6-10 minutes. You want them to be golden brown.

-Next, brown the ground turkey

-Add taco seasoning and 2/3 cups of water and cook until everything is good and mixed

-Remove the shells and let cool for 1-2 minutes

-Get your taco salad assembly line organized

-Go to town making yourself a delicious taco salad:


  1. I think love is an understatement for my feelings towards all things Mexican food related.

  2. Me too! Me too!! We had these on Monday!!!

  3. omg.. we LOVEEEE them too... it's a staple around our house.. but those taco bowls look unreal!!

  4. I love taco salad! This is genius, thanks for posting!!

  5. we LOVE tacos at our place too!! although we always eat softshells. i really should buy some of those shells, i love taco salads! yum! thanks for the idea :)

  6. We make tacos weekly! Love them! And fajitas too :) yummmmm!!!

  7. This looks amazing! Thanks for the instructions on how to make the taco salad shell! Very neat!


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