Monday, December 27, 2010


Welcome to Monday blog friends! I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! We sure did. Once again this year was filled with flying all over town trying to see as many people as we possibly can. We spent Christmas Eve afternoon with my dad playing games. Then, Christmas Eve night was spent at J's Aunt and Uncle's which is always hilarious because his family is a minimum of 35 people. Then Christmas morning we were at J's dad's for breakfast. Next, we went to my mom's for Christmas dinner and finally we headed up north to Milaca to spend Christmas night with J's mom. Whew, I'm getting tired just thinking about it. Needless to say we are both exhausted. We are so lucky to have so many people who want to see us but it really does get so tiring bouncing from place to place. I can't wait until we have a house and can host!

Our families were extremely generous this year and we both received some pretty wonderful gifts! Among my favorites are...

Tim McGraw's Number One Hits from my little sister....I haven't stopped listening to it!

Tiffany's "Eau de Parfum Atomiseur" from my mama!

A super cute light blue (my fave color) cover for my Nook along with a screen protector and ear phones from my Auntie Lisa.

Bobby Flay's "Burgers, Fries & Shakes" cookbook from my dad! There are soooo many amazing recipes in this book! I cannot wait to try them and of course share them with you! Caesar Salad Burger, anyone?!

Habanero Mango and Green Tea Wasabi hot sauces from Blair's Heat collection! Sooo excited to try these!!!

AND, thanks to my extremely generous family I now have enough money to buy the wedding shoes I thought I could only ever dream of!!! I am sooooo worked up! But, I'm not sharing those with you until I have them in my possession! Plus, they deserve a post all their own! Swoon!

Like I said, we spent Christmas evening and Sunday afternoon up in Milaca with J's mom and step-dad. A while back J's mom had found a couple of huge boxes filled with pictures of J and his sister Nicole when they were little. We spent Christmas night going through these boxes and it was so fun! It was hilarious seeing pictures of everyone so young and emotional looking back on memories from so long ago. Amidst all these family photos I found two pictures that I will FOREVER treasure! And honestly, finding these pictures was the highlight of my Christmas!
The first is this picture of J when he was 5 years-old. First of all, HOW CUTE IS HE?!?! Seriously, if my kids are half that cute I will be thrilled! He has not changed one bit and I love that! I've known J my whole life, but he's 4 years older than I am, so I don't remember him at this age. It was so amazing seeing baby pictures of him and seeing how damn cute he was! I am seriously OBSESSED with this picture.

This next picture was a complete SHOCK! Like I said, I have known J my entire life and our families have always been close. But, my parents were best friends with J's dad and step-mom, so I never met his mom until we started dating. So, imagine my surprise when I found a picture of myself in their pile of family photos!!!!

I'm the little one with the balloons on either side of my head, J is in the white shirt and his sister Nicole is the crazy one in the cast. I have pictures of J and I when we were younger but none from this far back! I spazzed out when I found it!

All in all it was another fabulous holiday! Now, back to another a week! Can you believe 2010 is almost over? Time is flying by way too fast!


  1. I'm counting the days (more like months/years) until we can finally host our own Thanksgiving and/or Christmas.. all of our family lives so far away that it's a small battle every year over where we'll end up.

    Sounds like you guys had a blast!

  2. I'm so jealous of your Nook cover!!! I need a cover for my Kindle so bad.

    Glad you had an awesome Christmas! :)

  3. What a busy holiday!! LOVE the pictures you found!! are you doing a slide show at the wedding, these pictures would be perfect!

  4. Glad you had such a FUN Christmas!!! Loved looking at your pictures, and yes, time is flying by too quickly!

    Liesl :)

  5. Glad you had a nice Christmas! Sounded fun and your gifts are great!


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