Thursday, December 23, 2010

Holiday Card!

We sent out our Christmas cards last week and I am so happy with them! I am really excited for everyone to get them!

Here's a closer look at the pictures I used....just because I love them so much!
Family picture taken up at J's mom's

Cutest dog on the planet

Picture from the Twin's new stadium Target Field

From my mom's wedding in August

J proposing!

First pic as an engaged couple!


  1. what a great card! I love it! you 2 are adorable..hope you have a great Christmas!


  2. Very cute! I like how you wrote that it's from the soon to be __'s.. I was thinking of that but just opted to go with our names. Also, you're pup is so freaking adorable!

  3. Love your card!!! Ya'll are too cute!
    Merry Christmas!

  4. love love love it! it's so cute! i love that you used different pictures too and that it's signed as the future ____. cute idea!! merry christmas to you and J!!

  5. What an adorable Christmas card!! LOVE the pictures you chose-- seem to really encompass this year! I just adore that picture of J proposing!! Have a very Merry Christmas, Kristin!

  6. So cute!! I love how all of these photos really capture special moments! Merry Christmas to you and your love!

  7. Awwwww, soooo cute! I love that your card has so many milestones in your life on it!

  8. So fun!! your card is perfect and really a great summary of your year :-) Merry Christmas!

  9. Love the card! You chose great pictures for it! :)


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