Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thoughts on Thursday

Once again I am copying my BB and using this Thursday to share my random thoughts, and boy do I have a lot of them.

I have been on a Friends tangent lately. I get in these moods where I have to watch Friends, like all the time. The beginning of December I started on Season1, Episode 1 and now I'm beginning the 9th Season. I am so obsessed with this damn show and it never gets old.

Earlier this week my mom and I saw Black Swan. Holy Moly! It was AMAZING but also scared the pants off of me. I am super afraid of birds and mirrors (it's a long story) and this movie consists of both....and a lot of them. If you've seen it you know what I mean. I highly recommend this movie, it was brilliantly directed and Natalie Portman was beyond amazing! If she doesn't win an Oscar I will revolt! But, if you do go see it, beware that it is hard to watch. It is extremely dark and twisted and disturbing, but so so good! And, if you're afraid of birds and mirrors, be sure to bring your mommy with you!

I am seriously obsessed with the Tim McGraw Number One Hits album. I am newer to country, I stopped completely hating it about 5 years ago and began to love it about two years ago, so a few of the songs on the album are new to me. Oh man, I love it so so so much!

I really can't believe tomorrow is the last day of 2010! Where has the year gone! I am excited for New Year's Eve but even more excited for what 2011 has to bring! It is going to be a GREAT year!

I think next Tuesday (my day off) I am going to bite the bullet and make the largest purchase I have ever made (by choice that is) and buy my wedding shoes! I am soooo excited! And kind of nervous, though, I'm not sure why I'm nervous!

Miss Britney Jean Spears has a new album coming out in March and the new single drops in January!!!! I am SO UNBELIEVABLY EXCITED!!!! Britney is my girl and I am so glad she is doing so well and continuing to make music AND from what I've heard this is going to have a more old school Brit Brit pop sound! WAHOO!!! Is it March yet?!


  1. I know what you mean when you say you get on these tangents of watching Friends. I do the same thing with HOUSE. I absolutely love to watch that show over and over again.

  2. what kind of shoes are you going to get!!? that must be exciting!

    i'm going to see black swan tonight..cannot wait!

  3. You should listen to Lady Antebellum if you are liking country more. They are so so so amazing..I think you'd like them. The lead singers voice is to die for!

  4. Friends is so classic! I didn't know britney was coming out with another album! I hope it's more her old style..her stuff the last couple years has been kinda ish...

  5. i can't wait to see what kind of shoes you're getting!!

    i'm also super excited about b.spears!! love love love her!

    black swan is incredible, portman's best performance ever. it's definitely creepy though

  6. Will you be allowed to post the shoes since you couldn't post the dress via blog? I wanna see! :)

  7. Awesome post! I love Friends and Tim McGraw :] Hope you have a wonderful New Year!

  8. I'm so excited for B's new single and album next year too! :)

  9. I can't wait for Brit Brit. Just in time for our bachelorette parties and weddings... convenient. :) I am jealous that you saw Black Swan and I haven't. Think Jake will go? LOL

  10. I love Britney too! That's great she's coming out with a new album. I'm also excited for what 2011 has in store! :)


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