Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wedding Wednesday: Hotel

A few weeks ago I went and toured a possible hotel for us and our guests on our wedding night. I absolutely loved it and on Monday I went to sign the contract and officially reserve a block of rooms! We'll be staying at the Doubletree Hotel just right outside of downtown Minneapolis. It is the absolute perfect location because it's in the suburbs, so it's easy to get to but it's in a super new and super fun area. The hotel is less than 4 miles to our reception site and just under 6 miles to our church. AND, they offer a shuttle to get our guests to and from the reception, which will be wonderful!

I booked a hospitality suite for me to stay in the night before the wedding and for my girls and I to get ready in the day of the wedding. Then the night of the wedding J and I will be staying in one of their romantic jacuzzi suites!

The hotel offers great "standard rooms" as well as really nice suites so our guests can stay for all different price points and comfort levels.

J and I went back and forth trying to decide if we should stay at the same hotel as our guests or not. We played with the idea of staying somewhere really nice and really special downtown. When it came down to it we decided we'd rather save that money for our honeymoon. Let's be honest, we'll be in our hotel room for no more than 10 hours, so why spend $350+??? I would much rather spend that on a nice dinner or something fun on the honeymoon. As far as staying with our guests, we plan on leaving the reception before everyone else. Then we can get situated in our room before our guests arrive, therefore no one will know where we are and won't be able to bug us.

This is just one more of those pesky to-dos that I am glad to have figured out! One less thing to worry about and one more thing to cross off my list!


  1. Looks nice! We're also staying at the same hotel as our guests, well the same hotel we're getting a room block for our guests so who knows how many will wind up staying there too. We're going to request to have our room on a diferent floor than everyone else and to not let anyone know which room we're in so we aren't bothered :)

  2. Congrats on finding your place. We found ours also this past week. The only problem we are having the block of rooms we r reserving.. we do not know if all of them will end up being booked and if they aren't we have to pay for them..

    Good luck on planning (:


  3. We had the same dilemma! We had our reception in the ballroom of the hotel that we (along with our guests) stayed at. We had our grand exit and drove around looking at Christmas lights while everyone else went back to the reception...we snuck back in about 30 minutes later and went up to our room. No one even saw us!

    Good luck with the wedding planning. Enjoying reading your blog!


  4. that room looks SO romantic! ;) wink wink!

    i'm glad you got your hotel more thing crossed off the list!!

    xoxo you must be getting exciiited!

  5. Woohoo!! Isn't it a nice to cross something off your list??

    I've been tring to do this same task, but haven't been able to get a hold of the person who handles the blocking of rooms. so frustrating!!

  6. Very pesky little task but so important! Enjoy your stay there :)

  7. yay for crossing things off the to do list!


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