Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2011 Book Challenge!

One of my favorite blogstresses, Ali, from "Golightly" is committing herself to a book challenge for 2011. Her goal is to read 25 books this year, and I'm going to copy her! 25 is a perfect number because it's challenging but attainable (unlike my 1,000 miles in 2 years goal). Two books a month may get a little tough at some point, but I'm hoping that with my new Nook and the summer pool reading months not too far off I can get it done. Plus, one of my "30Before30" items is to read more, so this will help me cross that off the list as well. I decided to make a "Page" where I can list the books I've read and plan to read with a small review so that if any of you want to join in with me and Ali you can get ideas for books to read!

I am currently reading "Little Women" and have a few books I've been wanting to read, but I need some ideas! What are your favorite books? Have you read a great book lately? Help me get my list filled!

1.Little Women

2.Naturally Thin

3. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest

4. The Help

5. Little Bee

6.Sliding in to Home

7. Unbearable Lightness




















  1. Sounds like a good challenge! I've heard good things about the Stieg Larson books!

  2. I'm reading a book by Jenny McCarthy right now. It's such an easy read, is hilarious and is actually quite insightful!

  3. The Last song, and Dear John are good books to I just read them

  4. Water for Elephants! Quick and a great read!

  5. I hear Unbearable Lightness is supposed to be amazing.. it's also on my reading list!

    I really enjoyed "Middlesex" by Jeffrey Eugenides and "One Day" by David Nicholls and would highly recommend both. Have fun with your reading!!

  6. i LOVED Water for Elephants! So good and a movie is coming out starring reese witherspoon and robert pattinson. great story!

  7. ditto on the "water for elephants"! there is also another nicolas sparks movie coming out this year for "the lucky one" which is a GREAT read! and... if you like the book "the help" be sure to add "their eyes were watching God" and i am sure you have read "a million little pieces"? if so, try the following book of "my friend leonard"

    those are my favs right off the top of my head!

  8. I love this challenge! I may have to copy you both. ;)

  9. It is sooo good for the younger generation to read, they are not aware of how important it is. It is truly, exercise for the brain and eyes, along with strong, healthy mentality and an excellent form of relaxation/stress reliever vs. video games.

  10. I LOVE to read! Little Women is one of my favorites! To add to that list i would put The Glass Castle (so good!), The Harry Potters if you haven't read them, The True Blood books, and all of Emily Giffens starting with Something Borrowed.

  11. I dont know if you like Chelsea Handler (I know, she's raunchy) but her books are HILarious!!Especially "My Horizontal Life"

  12. Water for Elephants!! I'm reading it right now :)

  13. i finished reading the help a few months ago, loved it. i want to read naturally thin. you'll have to let us know your review on it.
    i haven't read anything since i read the help, i really want to get into reading again soon. i miss it.

  14. Water for Elephants is my next book. I am reading Her Fearful Symmetry right now- yay nook!! :-)

  15. Hi Kristin- I'm a new reader and follower of your blog! I love to read and this book challenge seems like a great idea - I wish I had time to read books that aren't textbooks! haha. Anyway, I'd definitely recommend Water for Elephants along with everyone else, and suggest Jodi Picoult as an author to look at good books for - some of my favorites include My Sister's Keeper, Mercy, The Pact..they're all good! Happy Reading!

  16. I love this idea and am totally joining!

    Might I suggest Snookie's A Shore Thing or The Rules According to JWow? Haha, just kidding. But my mom read Three Cups of Tea and said it was AMAZING. It'll definitely be one I add to my list.

  17. Such an amazing idea :] I look forward to hearing about all the books you read.


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