Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wedding Wednesday: PHOTOGRAPHER!!!

First of all, I had some downtime (OK, I was straight up bored) and I counted that I only have 42 more Wedding Wednesdays until I get married! CRAZY!

Back in my pre-engagement wedding dreaming days I always knew that choosing a photographer would be the hardest part of wedding planning. I am a picture spaz. I always have my camera and I am always taking a million pictures of absolutely everything. I was a photography major for a couple of years in college, so having amazing wedding photos is the number one priority on my wedding importance list.

Shortly after Coffee Buzz opened a super sweet and super adorable local photographer came and spent the afternoon at Coffee Buzz editing pictures. We got to talking and I instantly looked up her website. I was blown away.

Not long after, Sara Jayne was taking custom photos of downtown Minneapolis to display on the walls of Coffee Buzz.

J and I have gotten to know Sara Jayne and her fiance John over the last year and have built a wonderful friendship with them (I can't wait for their wedding in June).

Me and Sara at the Gophers vs Ohio State game

When I finally got my ring I knew without question that Sara had to be the photographer for our big day. She is so unbelievably talented and I have no doubt that she will do an absolutely amazing job capturing our day for us. The fact that we have become friends helps a ton because I know J and I will be completely comfortable around her and therefore won't have any fake or forced photos. A decision that I always thought would be the absolute hardest was actually the easiest. I didn't even have to think about it. I was creeping Sara Jayne Photography's facebook page and have stolen these amazing photos to show you all how brilliant Sara Jayne really is. Sara---I know you read this so I hope you don't mind that I stole your stuff.

Sara has kindly been holding our date since we got engaged, but just yesterday we finally sat down and had our "official" photography meeting, we gave her a deposit and set our plans in stone. I am so excited for the ideas we have for our engagement session and the wedding day! I am so relieved and feel so lucky to have had Sara Jayne just pop into our lives. I swear it's fate.

Please check out her website to see more of her amazingness:
And if you live in the Twin Cities, HIRE HER! And then thank me for the recommendation later.


  1. How exciting! Great that you got the photographer you wanted!

  2. wow what an AMAZING photographer! you've gotta hire her FO SHO!! Beautiful pics girl :)


  3. PS..not sure if you know this but HOW THE HECK did they do that LOVE thing with the sparklers?! did they write it out really fast and she captured the photo? Amazing!!

  4. Wow. She does gorgeous photography. Congrats on booking your photographer!



  5. I adore the last picture.. I so want one of these from our wedding!

  6. Yay! I'm so glad that you have a wonderful relationship with your photographer. It makes such a difference in the photos.

  7. Her pictures are incredible!! I can't wait to see your pics!! They're going to be stunning!

  8. She is amazingly talented and her editing skills are ON POINT! You got a good one there girl. ;)

  9. Wow her photos are great! I like her style.

    And she gets major points from me since she's wearing an OSU sweatshirt :)

  10. Yey so exciting! I remember when we got engaged hiring a photographer was one of the first things I wanted to do, even before securing our venue! At the end of the day, years from now you're left with pictures and video of your big day!

    We were lucky and won our wedding photography with a very talented photographer and we couldn't be happier with our decision.

  11. yay for having such a fab photographer!

    p.s. I see you've already gotten the Stylish Blogger Award, but I thought I'd let you know I've also given it to you on my blog. Check it out if you get a chance :)

  12. I am so blessed to have such a beautiful, talented, driven, charismatic and ORGANIZED :) client/bride AND friend... thanks so much for this shout-out!! You're the best!

  13. Your wedding photos are going to be amazing! She did my friends wedding last summer and she's so talented! You're so lucky :)

  14. Oh I love her photos! I didn't really have a photography budget to so I could hire her. I'm from the the twin cities too :)

  15. Sara rocks! Can't wait to see your wedding pictures.

  16. I am lucky enough to call Sara my cousin! and she is amazing, her pictures capture how amazing your day will be! Congrats!


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