Thursday, January 6, 2011

My Super Easy Pasta Salad

I'm a huge pasta salad fan and so is J. I often will throw together a batch of pasta salad that we use for our lunches throughout the week. It's so easy to make and even easier to just grab for lunch on the go. I thought I'd share this super easy recipe with you so that you too can enjoy this yummy (and healthy) lunch option.

Super Easy and Super Yummy Pasta Salad

-1 box whole wheat rotini pasta
-Half a white onion (chopped)
-Half a package of TURKEY pepperonis
-2 cans of sliced black olives
-1 bag of Kraft 100 calorie cheese bites (cheddar & monterey jack)
-Olive Oil (to taste)
-Italian Seasoning

-Cook the past, strain and let cool
-Mix chopped onions, black olives and pepperonis in a large bowl
-Once pasta is cooled add to onion/olive/pepperoni and mix well
-Lightly coat pasta in olive oil
-Season with Italian Seasoning
-Mix in Cheese Bites


  1. that looks super yummy! and way better than the box kind. i'm gonna have to try that soon.

  2. ooooh sounds SO GOOD! I love pasta salad because there are so many diff things and ways to make it :) Definitely convenient! Thanks for this recipe i never thought to use the 100 cal cheese bites..great addition!

    xoxox Happy Thursday!

  3. This looks amazing! Thanks so much for sharing. Hope you have a great day!

  4. Love me some pasta salad! This looks easy.

  5. i love this kind of pasta salad!! it's one of my faves and i was actually just thining about making it the other day becuase i have some turkey pepperoni, yum! instead of using olive oil i lightly coat mine in fat free italian dressing. now i'm totally craving this ;)

  6. yumm. im going to make this! thanks for sharing, i have been trying to find good recipes that are healthy and low cal :)


  7. Love putting peperoni in my pasta salad too!


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