Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wedding Wednesday: FLOWERS!

When it came to choosing a florist this was another super easy decision. Through Coffee Buzz we have gotten to know Rene & Stephen, the amazing owners of Arts & Flowers Design Studio.
They have been so generous to us, constantly bringing over amazing floral arrangements to help liven up Coffee Buzz! Their arrangements are instantly recognizable by anyone who has used them before. They pride themselves on long lasting unique arrangements and they do a flawless job!
Sitting down with Rene to discuss the wedding flowers was so easy I couldn't even believe it. I am not a huge flower person, I don't know much about them. What I did know is this: I want an all calla lily bouquet (they are my fave flower), everything else needs to be white, I do not like hydrangeas ( I don't know why, I just do not like them) and roses are fine but only minimally (I think they're overdone and therefore not special). You all know my wedding colors are black and white and I mean BLACK and WHITE, nothing else so it irritates me that flowers have green stems. I told Rene the few ideas I had and he did the rest. He came up with some great ideas and I can't wait to meet with him again, closer to the wedding, to make the final decisions.

In the meantime I have been scouring the internet for any and all flower ideas. I've been collecting inspiration photos for the past few's what I've come up with. Let me know what you think, because like I said, I'm not a flower person so I need all the help I can get.

The one thing I know for absolute sure is that I want my bouquet to look pretty much exactly like this one:
Only difference is that I want the black ribbon to go further down the stems....the less green the better!

As far as bridesmaid's bouquets go, I know I want them white (duh!) and to be smaller and cute! In a perfect world I would want all stefanotis bouquets like these:

But, I quickly found out (thanks to Rene) that these tiny little angel flowers are SUPER DUPER spendy. So I am going to have to settle for something with just a few, like these:
I love this second one....minus that green nonsense and of course the ribbon will be black.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be opposed to doing something completely different like these:

I'm not completely sold on any of these, but some variation of these could be nice!

As for boutonnieres and corsages. I haven't decided if the boys will wear boutonnieres yet, I'm thinking a simple pocket square may look better with the tuxes we're choosing (more on that later). I'm not a huge fan of boutonnieres and corsages in general, but I want our special guests (all 8 of our parents) to be recognized, so I can get on board if they're super modest. I have looked at a million pics and have found ONE boutonierre and ONE corsage I would even consider:
Stephanotis, of course, sorry this pic sucks.

The only corsage I've liked so far

OK, for centerpieces...I have no idea. Well, I guess I have some idea because I know I want either calla lilies or candles or both. But I just don't know what combination. I like the idea of having a couple different centerpieces, especially since we will have some round tables of 10 and some rectangle tables of 6, so I'd like to different centerpieces on the different tables. Anyways, here's some pics I found that I if I could just narrow it down!

(love this for the head table)

Really like this, but with all calla lilies

how amazing is this?!?!

Any of you past brides have any words of wisdom regarding flowers? And how about you brides to-be, what are you doing for flowers? And all you single ladies.....HELP!


  1. i think the calla lillies are GORGEOUS!!! Weddings I've seen, people use the usual pink roses or stuff like that..these are different and beautiful! I think it'll make your entire wedding look so classy and gorgeous. I think you know what you like and should go with's your wedding! :)

    xoxo good choices girl!

  2. I love (trying) to help plan weddings! lol so here's my advice... I love the bouquet with the grey/purplish ribbon on it that you said you liked. I think that would be good for the bridesmaids b/c your bouquet will still stand out and be different. I love peonies in bouquets they just look so big and flush and they are inexpensive. As for the centerpieces, you should def. do a couple diff. choices and you will save $ (this shit can add up! lol ours were $4,000!!!!) if you use the tall cylinders/clear vases. I really really love the pic with the round tall vases with candles and calla's in submerged in them. very pretty and with the candles it is elegant too! then you could do something similar to the "bowl" centerpiece picture...switch up the heights on the tables! Hope this helps :)

    PS-Lifetime has the BEST spin classes in the our location they are normally at like 5:45am, but I am telling you, they were the best exercise for me to do for my wedding. I didn't need to lose a lot of weight but wanted to tone and they work your entire body and get you there. Try one!!

  3. I think peonies are gorgeous.. it looks like you have a picture of them two above the girls in black dresses. Unfortunately, I don't think they're in season when you're getting married :(

    Calla lilies are definitely beautiful; my mom used those in her second wedding a few months ago. So simple yet so elegant!

  4. loving all the flowers and beautiful bouquets!! my mom and i made my bouquet and i LOVED the way it turned out!! she also made all the corsages for parents and my hubby. everything turned out perfect and it was SO CHEAP! we just bought flowers at cub and bachmans, and the few supplies all for under $100!
    i really like the first bouquet you picked for youself! it would be so simple to make as well.
    the bouquets you picked out for your bridesmaids are lovely!! love em! i love all the white in the second and third bridesmaid bouquet pictures.

  5. Love black and white weddings, so classy and gorgeous. Calla lillies embody that, and I think the candles would take it to another level of chic. Some great ideas, hopefully your florist takes it to the next level!

  6. your wedding is going to be beautiful!! and so classy. i can't wait to see pictures after it happens! how fun planning :)


  7. I'm like you, i don't care about flowers a whole lot. i love the calla lillies, so pretty!

    I love the idea of different centerpieces the one you said was amazing is my favorite. you could always go with that same feel but use different shapes of bowls and heights.

  8. I love the direction you're going with your flowers, stefanotis are so pretty.

  9. my wedding was black & white with a hint of red and i used calla lillies and stefanotis in my bouquet (along with red roses!). i like the ideas you have! the first bouquet of just calla lillies is gorgeous!

  10. I Just want to copy every inch of your wedding! Its going to be perfect! *sigh*

  11. Thank you for sharing the information with us. The wedding flower is considered as the important element for the wedding. The fantastic flower and design will increase the quality and fun for the wedding.

  12. i forgot to tell you!! you can look by color for wedding stuff at idk if you knew that or not. that might help you too to find some good centerpieces and bouquet ideas

  13. For the boutonniere, do something simple. Look at this picture from it ties in the calla lilies from your bouquet and the black theme.

  14. I am making the vases with calla lilies submerged in water with a floating candle. I bought the silk calla lilies from Michael's. It's a lot cheaper that way and you can make them in advance. I used clear water beads at the bottom and hot glued the calla lily to the bottom. I'll use distilled water on the day that i'm using them. We are also using them at the shower and the rehearsal dinner.


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