Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thoughts on Thursday

You know it's been a terribly long winter when you can even come up with random thoughts for your dear friend's Thoughts on Thursday blog topic. But, I refuse to not here's what I'm thinking today.

*If I'm being honest, it's been a rough week. I've been feeling really stressed. I really want to get this wedding planned so I can enjoy my summer and all of the other weddings we have this year. I realize we're waaay ahead of schedule in terms of planning but I'm a spaz, I want things done and I want instant gratification. A lot of the plans require money and the money is just not coming in fast enough. So, I have to wait to get some things done until we can afford them....and this stresses me out. Also, I think I need to take a little break from Wedding Inspiration Blogs like Style Me Pretty, because I start to feel like my wedding isn't going to add up and then that stresses me out. It's annoying.

*Along the same lines I need to give a shout out to two of my all-time favorite fiance, J and my BB, Carolyn. While I have been stressing myself out you two have stepped up and helped me through it. J--you have been really sweet and extra loving and really supportive. BB--you just broke it down for me, "what can we do?" "how can we fix it?" Not to mention you're super sweet words about our wedding. I love you both!

*Last night was my brother's last basketball game of his career. His team lost in the first round of the playoffs, but Nate went out with a bang. He really stepped up, played aggressive and carried his team AND he went 7 for 8 at the free throw line! I am beyond proud of my brother and am having a hard time dealing with the fact that after 12 years of being at nearly ALL of his basketball games that his career is over. Now we just need to convince him to join J's bball team so I can cheer my two favorite boys on together!

*Do any of you use Picasa? I was playing with it this morning and can't decide how I feel about it. It would be nice to have my pictures linked through google since everything I do is through google....but I don't know if I like it. So what are your thoughts? Picasa? Shutterfly? What do you use?

*I have an amazing best friend. Tuesday is my day off from Coffee Buzz, so I get the morning to relax before I nanny then work at Mary Kay's Bridal. This past Tuesday I got a surprise visit from my BFF with a Jamba Juice in hand! We got to hang out for a couple hours and catch up. Man do I love this girl!

*I watched a new show last night that in theory was made for me. It's called Shredding for the Wedding and is on The CW. It essentially combines all of my favorite things: competition based reality show, weight loss and wedding planning....jackpot! 9 overweight engaged couples compete in a weight loss challenge to win their dream wedding. Each week there is a challenge and the winning couple wins an element of their dream wedding. I was a little disappointed in the show (I think it was because it's only an hour, so I felt like everything was crammed in) but I will still be watching each week because I have a sneaking suspicion it will get good (and dramatic) as the weeks go on.


*10 more days until Bridesmaid dress shopping! 23 more days until our Wedding Party Party! 45 more days until our Engagement Photo Shoot! 254 days until our wedding! 256 days until our honeymoon! I can do it. No more stressing (yeah right)!

OK, I think that's all I'm thinking today. Now head on over to Life, Love & Puppy Prints and play along! :)


  1. lol.. that can explain some of my days too ;)

  2. When I was wedding planning, it was so easy to get sucked into the beauty of some of the Style Me Pretty weddings and Weddingbee girls but I really had to focus on what was "US" and how to fit that into our day. :)

    I used Picasa mainly for creating collages but not for photo storage. I back up everything on an external drive at home.

  3. I can't wait to watch shedding for the wedding! I tivoed it and hope it will be fun to watch.

    Aaaagh wedding planning is killing me!! we only have 10 weeks left and i'm in freak out mode. we've been ahead of the game the entire planning process, but it's still just so much and you can't do EVERYTHING 3,6,9 months out. there's just some stuff you have to do closer and it's stressing me out. I'm like you, a total spaz and want to make everything perfect and get it done ahead of time.

  4. BB - we're going to make it! The days will go faster and faster! :) Let's just keep our eyes on the prize! hahaha

    I have to watch that show still... I'll tell ya what I think!

    My vote is use Shutterfly. You know you love it. :) I hate Picasa though.

  5. I agree with you on "Shedding for Wedding!" I watched because it takes place at one of the venues I have as a possibility for my wedding, which I had found before I even knew about the it's fun to see it on the show and they win their wedding there too! It's a beautiful place!

    Liesl :)


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