Friday, February 25, 2011


J and I entered our precious little puggle baby in the Minnesota Star Tribune's Cutest Canine contest for a chance to win $1,000!!!! But, to win we really, really need your help!

Pretty Pretty PLEASE click on this link:

and then follow these step:

Click "REGISTER TO VOTE" on the top of the page.

Then fill out the form....the only thing they require are your name (make it up if you want), your e-mail (they don't send you ANYTHING except a confirmation)

Next, wait for an e-mail to come from "dontreply" and check your spam! Simply open the e-mail and confirm your registration!

Once you confirm, it will take you back to the contest page where you want to hit VOTE

Once on the voting page type Bailey in the search box
Then, under the picture of the cutest little baby you've ever seen click VOTE!
Finally, make sure to click "SAVE VOTE" on the bottom of the page!

(she's on the right, duh!)

You are able to vote once every hour, so if you're bored at work today and want to help your friend Kristin out, I would really appreciate it!

Thanks everyone! Have a fabulous weekend!!!


  1. How cute! I'll try my hardest to vote later, can't at work right now. Best of luck!

  2. Super cute! I'll vote asap. We're talking about getting a puppy after we get back from the honeymoon. Thank you for your kind words, by the way. I really appreciate it. Funny how life has a way of reminding us about what's really important just when we need to hear it! :)

  3. Bailey is SO cute!!! Done and done...I just registered and voted! Good luck and how fun! :)

    Liesl :)

  4. Because of you I want a Puggle, I will be voting. :)

  5. I'll vote as soon as I get home!!

  6. Hey There! I'm a new follower, just wanted to say hi. I found you while blog hopping. I live in Mpls, so I've enjoyed reading some of your archives (especially the wedding ones!) I'll have to stop into your coffee shop sometime soon and get a mocha! Have a great weekend!

  7. Ugh, tried to vote and I can't access it from work. Boo! Good luck!

  8. just came across your blog! it's seriously so great! ill try and vote because that face is soo precious!


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