Tuesday, March 1, 2011

1 Year Anniversary!

Wow! I cannot believe 1 year ago today we were opening Coffee Buzz's doors for the first time. This year has been completely amazing, challenging, gratifying, stressful, frustrating, exciting and exhausting! It was a real labor of love getting this place ready and opened.

We've had some amazing days, we've had some horrible days, we have some unbelievable regular customers and we've had some pretty terrible customers, we've been robbed, we've come back from being robbed.

Everyone says your first year of business is the hardest, so I'm glad we've got that under our belt and can move on to a super successful year 2!

Also, thank you SO much to everyone who voted for Bailey! She made the cut! The contest is now down to 50 from 1,000 dogs!!!

The second round voting is all this week so PRETTY please vote for her here:



  1. wow. one year? congrats :)



  2. Congrats!! :) That's so amazing! Glad you got through all the hardships and stress...it can only get better from here and you and your man seem so dedicated!

    xoxo Go celebrate!!

  3. Yayy! Congratulations! Now celebrate!

  4. Congrats on a great first year!! I'm so impressed that you opened a shop, especially at such a relatively young age.. hope it you have many more awesome years there!

  5. That's so exciting! Congratulations!!

  6. how exciting! congratulations on making through the first year =)

  7. Congrats on your first successful year as business owners!! :D:D

  8. YAY!! Congrats...here hoping for many, MANY more years:)

  9. YAY!!! :) congrats!!!! if i was near by i'd come and celebrate with you! lol.. with a lot of coffee of course! :)

  10. To J & K: Congratulations for your 1st year, a triumph, and you made it! Continue with great spirit and know you both are a strong, smart beautiful couple! Alot of love from a team in Milaca. AND VOTE FOR BAILEY MAE!!!

  11. Happy anniversary Buzz! :) You two are amazing people, and that coffee shop is destined to be successful! Here's to another great year!

  12. I think it is so incredible that you had the drive, opportunity, and support to start your own business. I am in awe. Congratulations and happy anniversary! I promise to check it out if I am ever in town. :)

  13. congrats on your first year! You are incredibly inspiring for opening your own business like that! What a journey!


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