Monday, February 28, 2011

The Oscars!

My favorite day of the year has come and gone, but at least I get to recap last night's Academy Awards with my favorite blog pals.

First of all, I would like to say that after 6 years of hosting an Oscar pool, I FINALLY WON! Whoop! Thanks to Tom Hooper taking home Best Director I was able to barely squeeze by the competition!

Second, for the first time (maybe ever) I am pumped about the winners. I thought everyone was so deserving of their awards and it made for a very pleasant evening.

As for the overall show itself, I thought it was awkward. I was so excited about James Franco and Anne Hathaway hosting and I thought they did a mediocre job. I don't know if he was nervous or high but James seemed really out of it. Anne made a desperate attempt for his lack of enthusiasm and spent most of the night awkwardly laughing. I thought Anne's musical number was SUPER awkward and not funny and the whole thing just seemed desperate. The Academy needs to go back to it's roots and have a comedian host, someone who is used to doing live comedy, because this "more youthful" show was underwhelming.

Finally, the FUN part.....the fashion! Again, I was kind of underwhelmed. Overall, I thought the red carpet was pretty boring. There wasn't anything that was jaw-droppingly gorgeous or jaw-droppingly hideous, well except Helena Bonham-Carter but that's what we expect from her.

For me, the worst dressed were Jennifer Hudson, Scarlett Johansson, Reese Witherspoon (I know, I know) and Mila Kunis.

This enormous bright orange dress is just eating Jennifer! She is so skinny now, I would have loved to see her in something with a mermaid shape. Plus, her boobs looked disgusting.

I hate her and I hate this dress. Scarlett looked like a bad tablecloth. I thought her hair was way too casual and not nearly glam enough for the Academy Awards, especially as a presenter!

Reese Witherspoon is one of my all-time favorite Hollywood ladies and I love her style, but I thought last night she was boring! I feel like this dress is overdone, maybe it's because I have a friend who used this exact style (color and everything) as bridesmaid dresses a few years ago. I liked her hair and earrings but not with this dress, I thought the hair was too modern with such a plain dress. Sorry Reese! I still love you!

I love Mila Kunis. I think she is drop dead gorgeous but she has an edge to her, which I love! I appreciate that she was trying to soften up her look for the Oscars, but I didn't like it. I love the color of the dress but the style is awful, those boob doilys look like weird tattoos and it just doesn't work. I also HATED her make-up. She is so stunning with the smokey look, because that's her style. She just didn't look like Mila.

For my best dressed I am choosing Amy Adams, Natalie Portman and Halle Berry.

I loved Amy's dress. The color is PERFECT for her skin and hair color, it's flattering and modest but still glam and it fit her perfectly! I wasn't the biggest fan of the green jewelery but I love her hair and make-up! She was the definition of a glamorous movie star!

It can't be easy being super preggers for the biggest night of your life, but Natalie Portman looked AMAZING! Her dress was classic and beautiful, appropriate for her belly, and I loved the color. I love that she mixed it up with the unique earrings and I loved the side hair. She looked incredible and I am so, so, so, so, so glad she won! I just adore her and Black Swan was ridiculous.

Halle Berry is my Best Dressed winner. I loved her dress and I felt like she was the only one who really pushed the limits. The gold is beautiful with her coloring and her body is incredible. I love, love, love the bottom of the dress! It's so whimsical and glamorous at the same time. The only I wish she would have done differently is the earrings. I think some big diamond drop earrings would have taken this to the next level. Her hair is so short, so I think it needed just a little more WOW!

So what did you think of last night's show? Who are your best and worst dressed of the night?


  1. I definitely agree - the hosts were beyond mediocre which kinda brought the entire show down. But I was also happy with the winners! Usually when I watch the Oscars, I don't recognize at least half of the nominees so I was pleasantly surprised that I had heard of most prior to this night. Congrats on winning your pool!

  2. We forgot to share feedback on who we thought were going to win...but looks like you pulled it out. I on the other hand ended up tying with the Hubby. Next year it is double or nothing...eeksss.

    My favorite was Celine Dion. I think she looked stunning, breathtaking, gorgeous...all of it!! And I agree about Scarlett. I liked the color and the back was beautiful, but the dress in general just didn't rub me the right way. I think it was the material that was underneath or something.

  3. Hahaha! I just posted that Reese's dress was just like my prom dress. It was a hand me down and was VELVET. Wow. Never again.

    I'm so glad you brought up that musical number, it seemed like Hugh Jackman was confused by it as well. I certainly didn't get it AT ALL. Awkward.

  4. so so true! I've only watched the 2nd half of the show and plan on catching the first half tonight.

    wth was going on with James Franco? I thought Anne did great (from what I saw, I missed the musical #), but it must have been hard co-hosting w/james. he didn't even look at the camera most of the night! so annoying! esp when the commercials for the show were so funny.

    agreed w/Jhudson- it did NOTHING for her boobs, i liked ScarJo's dress, but her hair was so frizzy, Reese was so super boring, i was actually surprised that she wore this at all. and her hair was too fake looking.

    I loved Amy adams dress, but that necklace needs to go!

  5. Well, DW said boring and Halle's hair looks like Ellen's.... gay so I looked and admired Halle's dress, liked the skit of malfunction wear, it takes fine acting for the role in "The King's Speech", I liked that band/singer (she got some cool songs out) and I liked the visual effects of Bob Hope. AND I like you and your finance very much! How's my beauty queen?

  6. I didn't catch it, but wanted to let you know that I left you an award on my blog. :)

  7. LOVED Mila's dress! So pretty! Reese looked great too. Loved her hair!


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