Thursday, March 17, 2011

Let the Madness Begin!

Happy "My Fiance's Favorite Day of the Year" to you all! In my family, today is not St. Patrick's Day, today is the first day of March Madness! My dad, brother and fiance all played college basketball so you can imagine what a huge part of my life basket has been and always will be. I'm hoping my bracket can win me some money for the Wedding Fund, if I can win my pool I'll be bringing home over $500! I have the Kansas Jayhawks taking it home (you're welcome Kelly) so let's ROCK CHALK! I had a really hard time picking against my boys from the Arizona Wildcats, but I need that money!

repeat please?!?!

In other news, this weekend we are hosting what we are calling "Wedding Party Madness." We rented out our party room and invited our wedding party to come and watch basketball. We really wanted our wedding party to meet and get to know each other before the big day! Having our friends already know each other will make our big day just that much more fun! Plus, it's March Madness! What a great excuse to get all of our favorite people together!!!

Continuing with the madness theme.....last night after work I went grocery shopping to get everything for the party on Saturday. I was putting away the groceries while J was unloading the car and as I was doing so I hear this HUGE "BANG!" I look to my left and my heart stops when I see a person standing there! After about 5 seconds my eyes and mind catch up to each other and I realize it's my soon-to-be sister-in-law, Nicole!!!!

Nicole has been living in Florida for the past year and came back to surprise the entire family! The best part is she will be here for the Wedding Party Party on Saturday which means all of my bridesmaids will be together for the first time! I AM SO EXCITED! It was such a wonderful surprise and we are all so happy she is home for the week!

These next four days truly will be madness! And I am so excited!!!

BB, I'm sorry I didn't partake in ToT today! Any of you bloggers who need an excuse to compile a bunch of your random thoughts in to one post should head over to Carolyn's blog: Life, Love & Puppy Prints to play along!

For those of you who aren't complete College Basketball spazzes....


  1. What a great idea to have your wedding party meet and hang out before the big day! I was in a wedding party where we met the night before at the rehearsal and it was a disaster! The bride and groom had all kinds of different friends and their bright idea was to get everyone drunk and then try and rehearse! Plus, they wanted us to do the dance down the aisle like that couple on Youtube? Please don't make your people do that.

    But I vote good job! on having everyone get together beforehand! :-)

  2. Your party sounds like it should be fun! What a nice idea to get everyone together before the wedding so they can meet. We had an engagement party so for the most part everyone was able to meet/mingle there.

    How sweet of your friend to pay a suprise visit! Have fun!!

  3. I've got Duke winning on my March Madness bracket! :D

  4. That is such an awesome idea for the wedding madness party! I 've got four brackets out there in the march madness universe and i'm hoping to win some money too!

  5. Have fun at your party! That's such a great idea!

  6. OMG my fiance matt was like a kid on christmas eve last night waiting for march madness to begin!

  7. I want to know what the BANG was.


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