Monday, March 14, 2011

Blogger's Block

Hey all. I have nothing to blog about. My life is completely consumed by work and wedding planning right now, so I want to apologize for the lameness of my blog. I know reading about wedding plans can get old...but that's what's going on in my life right now. So until it warms up and I actually feel like leaving my house again, get used to a lack of interesting posts. Sorry pals.

If you have any ideas for a good post....PLEASE by all means share!

I hope you all had a great weekend.

I will leave you with this picture my little sister and I found while googling pocket piglets (we're obsessed!)

Seriously?!?! HOW CUTE IS THIS PIG! HE IS WEARING RAIN BOOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hey Y'all to you too! I enjoy what you have to say everyday but I know what you mean. It is the weather and it is affecting many of us. BUT the worst is Japan so pray for them. Love you all!

  2. AWw!!! Haha, that pig is adorable. :)

    You could do the handwriting post? Or a VLOG? Or you could do "a day in the life" post, with pictures.

  3. now i want a pocket pig!! TOO CUTE!!

  4. You're so not lame! If your lame, then I'm super lame because wedding talk is the only thing I basically blog about! :)

  5. the 30 day photo challenge. Just google it, or go the the group on Facebook, it gives all the rules.

  6. I haven't been the best blogger this winter either, it is harder on these dreary winter days... but I love this picture, so cute :)

  7. adorable!!! little piggies are the cutest!!



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