Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thoughts on Thursday

It's already Thursday! This week has just flown by for me! Love when that happens! :) Anyways, it's time to participate in my BB's "Thoughts on Thursdays"

*I am giving up Chai Tea for lent. This is going to be HARD! At Coffee Buzz we carry an organic line of Chai called Sattwa and it is seriously the best Chai ever! I have already cut back (once I found how much sugar was in the Chai) but I still have at least 2 a week. So in an attempt to help my addiction and my waistline I am giving up my favorite thing for 40 days! Are any of you giving up anything?

*I am honored to have received TWO awards this week! Sorry ladies that it took me so long to get to this! I want to thank Charbelle from Ramblings and Bre from Breezy in Bloom for these awards!

So, here are 7 random facts about me:

1. My first pet was a bunny named Thumper
2. When I was born I was the only white baby in the nursery
3. My best friend growing up was named Kristen Nicole (my name is Kristin Nicole, in case you didn't get that).
4. Mt first kiss was on the Kindergarten bus
5. I'm obsessed with my dog, but I also have a pet fish named Manhattan Tinkerbell, we call her Manny for short
6. When I was younger I wanted to be a Subway sandwich artist when I grew up
7. I could eat tacos every day

*J and I have been hardcore obsessed with SmartOnes lately. They work perfectly for us because 90% of the time we're eating lunch at Coffee Buzz. So it's a great way to have a healthy, inexpensive and easy lunch ready and waiting in the freezer. Plus right now, they have a buy 10 get $3.00 off coupon!
And the desserts, well, if you haven't tried them....DO! They are SOOOOO good! They are tiny little frozen desserts that are only around 170 calories and completely satisfy that sweet tooth! J and I have one pretty much every night! The Cookie one is my fave!

*I was a little underwhelmed by American Idol last night, maybe everyone was just nervous. No one blew me away but Pia.....WOW! She is amazing!

*I have been having serious blogger's block lately. I think it's because all I do is work and plan my that's all I really have to talk about. I thought I would open it up to you, my beloved followers, to see if there's anything about me YOU wanted to know. So, if you want leave a comment or send me an e-mail with questions you have and I will use them to create more interesting posts....hopefully!

No all of y'all head on over to Life, Love and Puppy Prints to play along with Thoughts on Thursday!


  1. Pia is by FAR my favorite! If she doesn't win, something is wrong with America.

  2. Girl you are so funny, you wanted to be a subway sandwhich artist when you grew up as a kid? haha That made me laugh. The Smart Ones are good! I eat them every now and then. Glad you're doing good; I'm busy planning too and it seems like your life is consumed by it all sometimes! :)

  3. :) I love your fishy's name.

  4. I am officially your newest follower...and I love your blog! PS- I loved Pia last night on AI too!

  5. haha "1. My first pet was a bunny named Thumper" me too!!! my thumper was brown and was seriously evil...


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