Friday, April 29, 2011

Like, Seriously?

So you all know how pumped I am about wearing Jimmy Choo's on my wedding day....well when I saw Jimmy's Facebook page was hosting a contest for Brides to win a pair of Jimmy's and a Purse, you know I had to enter! Basically, I had to write "My Choo Story" and submit a picture. I used my blog as a guide to come up with my story and my FANTASTICALLY AMAZING wedding photographer (Sara Jayne Photography) offered to do an impromptu wedding shoe photo shoot!

So, here's what I submitted:

When I was twelve years old my dad took our family to New York City for the first time. We did all the typical tourist sightseeing....we went to the top of the Empire State Building, went on the Circle Line tour, saw a Broadway show and shopped down 5th Avenue. While on 5th Avenue I came across a store called “Jimmy Choo.” I was twelve, I had no idea who Jimmy Choo was or how expensive shoes could be but I knew that the shoes in the window were spectacular. I went inside and the rest is history, I have been obsessed with Jimmy Choo ever since.

I am now twenty-six and planning my wedding to the man of my dreams. While the rest of my wedding is on a budget, I knew wearing a pair of Jimmy Choo’s as I walk down the aisle would be priceless. I am always looking at the Jimmy Choo website to be sure I am up on all the new designs, but for once I got to go on the site to shop. When I saw them, I just knew. They were timeless, elegant, fun, sparkly and black....all the things I wanted in my wedding shoes!

My mom and I went to get my dream shoes, but unfortunately, our store did not carry them. Luckily, they had the “Quiet” style in a different fabric so I could try them on. Perfection! A couple of phone calls and a swipe of my credit card later and my wedding shoes were on their way to Minneapolis. After waiting fourteen years, I finally purchased my first pair of Jimmy Choo’s! It was the longest six days of my life, but finally, one afternoon a box showed up on my doorstep. I now have in my possession the most beautiful shoes I have ever laid eyes on and in a few short months I will wear them to happily ever after!

Like, amazing is SARA JAYNE?!?! She just shows up to Coffee Buzz with a backpack full of stuff and 20 minutes later I have these.....



  1. Mine are on their facebook album! Photo 22 in the "My Choo Stories" :)

  2. All of them are so good! I like the one with your ring around the O on the box. Good luck!

  3. Those pictures are sassy!! You're gonna look stunning in those shoes. They're gorgeous!

  4. I love the pictures and THOSE SHOES! AGH!

  5. I can't wait to see the purse and shoes you're going to win. EEEEEEEEEEEEK!!

  6. I love the pictures with your engagement ring in the shot! I hope you win!!!

  7. Loved this!!! those shoes are always! Goodluck!


  8. I'm a new follower!

    Those shoes are stunning! Love!

  9. You're getting it for sure, so excited for you. I saw you on Ms. Kim's website (LL&P) and had to comment. Keep us posted if you hear anything about your new pending Choo's ;)

  10. I love the pictures! In particular the ones with the ring around the o and dangling off the heel. Beautiful!

  11. holy cow. i think i'd forgo the dress and just go naked if i had those shoes! stunning!

  12. good luck! you're definitely a "shoe" in to win! hahahaha i'm so funny :D

  13. I agree with Miss K! I can't imagine you not winning!! Those pictures are great!

  14. So amazing. I have everything crossed for you to win! Good luck!

  15. those shoes are amazing! i'm SOOO jealous ;)


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