Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thoughts on Thursday

I have only one thought today.....I HATE ALLERGIES!

I love spring. I love summer. I hate allergies.

I seriously feel like there's an elephant jammed tight in to my head and he is trying to pound his way out. I also feel like there's a crab who is pinching as tight as he can in between my eyes.


Go check out my BB's blog: Life, Love & Puppy Prints and play along with Thoughts on Thursday


  1. Ugh know that feeling all too well. Do you take anything for it? I have this prescription nasal spray that's like a steroid... totally weird. but totally works!

  2. haha spring gives me THE WORST allergy! And they make me soooo tired its crazy. I feel ya pain sista! :)

  3. oh no! =( hope you get to feeling better and can find something to know those allergies down!

  4. Feel better! My allergies have finally started to get better this week...thank goodness!

  5. Zyrtec is saving my life this allergy season. Over the counter.

  6. My allergies are totally kicking my butt this year. The dr gave me eye drops, nose spray, and Allegra D. It's.. sorta working??


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