Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I have a girl crush on J. Lo and I'm not embarrassed to admit it.

She has a crazy fabulous fashion sense (her outfits are my favorite part of American Idol)

She's the most beautiful woman in the world (according to People magazine)

She makes great music (c'mon, admit it....you love yourself some J. Lo)

She makes great movies

And she's a super-fab dancer, which is the key to my heart

Yes, I just did an entire post dedicated to J. Lo. What of it?


  1. Her bod is rockin'. No homo or anything though.

    And I did a post dedicated to Gwenyth. No big.

  2. Haha I love this! JLo is awesome, I especially love her movies!

  3. Love JLo. She has made me an American Idol fan again. So gorgeous!

  4. I love everything about her except her movies, they are awful! Selena is the only exception :p.

  5. Saturday morning there was something on MTV about J Lo and I was dancing around and yelling "J Lo is THE BUSINESS!" JB loves her too. LOL! Thanks for the video reminder of how awesome she is.

  6. She was on "Ellen" this a.m. and showed what a great personality she has. Two other good movies, serious ones, are "Bordertown" (2007) I think and "Enough" (2005) I think. Check it out, I think you might like.

  7. Love this post and love me some JLo! Get Right is such a sick video and her makeup is always flawless!


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