Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wedding Wednesday: Engagement Photos!!!

Get ready for a picture overload! Now that our Save the Dates are sent I can finally share our engagement pictures with you! We took our pictures several different places around Minneapolis. It started as a beautiful afternoon and then turned super cold and super windy. But, with the help of our amazing photographer Sara Jayne and her fiance John we had a really fun time and hardly noticed the weather (hardly). I would love to show you all 150, but that may be over doing it. So, here are my favorites:

We started at the TCF Bank Stadium where my Minnesota Gophers play (and also where J proposed).

After the stadium we went to a super cool walking bridge on the U of M campus. Unfortunately, because of the wind my hair was super crazy in almost all of these, so I wasn't a hug fan. But, this one is AMAZING!

Next, we went to a really cool warehouse area near downtown Minneapolis.

By this time the wind was really becoming an issue, so we needed to find somewhere we could be covered and block the wind. We cam across a giant hole, not kidding, a huge hole. We decided to climb down and it turns out it was on old rotted railroad track that was somehow buried underground. Me and Sara were terrified we would fall through the rotting wood, but we were willing to do anything to get some amazing wind-free shots. Thank God we did, because these are some of my favorite shots from the whole day.

After "the hole" we were in need of a break. So, we headed downtown to our favorite restaurant Runyons for a cup of coffee and some dinner. It ended up being a great place to take some pictures! LOVE these!

We ended the day in St. Anthony Main which is a really cool part of the city right on the Mississippi River.


  1. those are amazing!

    the second to last one looks like it could be from a beautiful :)

  2. Beautiful! I think that the last two sets at the restuarant and at St. anthony Main are amazing! I think all fo those could be from movies.

  3. Love all of them!! My favorites are the ones in the restaurant, so unique!

  4. LOVE these! The 5th one down is my fave! :) Yall are so cute!

  5. R-O-C-K-S-T-A-R!!! :) <3 What a fun day despite the craptastic weather!!!!

  6. love them! the close up in front of the theater lights is awesome!

  7. You two look like movie stars haha I loveeee them! My favorites are the ones in the restaurant and in the "hole" you look so purtyyy :)

  8. WOW!!! Gorgeous! Tears, of course, from me. Happy tears of two beautiful people (inside and out) who are in love! An excellent photographer!

  9. You are gorgeous girl! The photos are fantastic!

  10. Wow, your pictures are so wonderful! Love all of them!!!
    My favorite are the ones in the restaurant and on St. Anthony Main!

  11. thanks for the prayers kristin! And WOW amazing engagement session! I think the bridge one is my fave :)

  12. Beautiful! i love the one of you guys kissing in the restaurant with the light illuminating from behind! Gorgeous!

  13. Amazing pictures!!

    New visitor and loving your blog!

  14. Um...these are amazing!!! You two were working it!!! Love each and every one of them!! My favorite is the one in the coffee shop where you two are kissing and the light is coming in from the background. PERFECT!

  15. I can't believe how many you guys took! And they all seriously look AMAZING. You guys are gorgeous!

  16. Those are cute!!! I love em!! I can't wait till my fiance and I get our engagement pictures taken!

  17. love your photos! so adorable. i love the ones by the theatre and in the restaurant

  18. Ahhhh!!!! SO FUN!!! I just spent all day today getting things ready for our upcoming engagement shoot and for my Save-The-Dates...getting all crafty...hehe! :) LOVE your pictures and you look just beautiful! Your ring is lovely too!

    Liesl :)

  19. OMG sexy momma! haha These are great! Love the first ones, so cute and candid. Then the others are so nice, and some are sexy.. love them all! You have a lot of framers! ;)

  20. wow! so many AMAZING pics! i think they're all my favorite!


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