Monday, June 6, 2011

Another One Bites the Dust

Another weekend has come and gone...and it was a good one!

Friday night, J and I took Bailey for a walk around Starring Lake (a cute little lake near our house) and then grilled brats and hot dogs at my dad's. It was a great little date night.

In April, my dear friends from college were married in Jamaica and Saturday was their at-home reception downtown at Kieran's. It was SO much fun! It was like a college reunion! I spent most of my college nights (and days for that matter) at the Delta Chi Fraternity house and the friendships I built there will be lifelong. It was so amazing to see the whole gang back together and to catch up with friends I haven't seen in a long time.

Me and my hot date

Cutting the cake!

Me and the groom, Dustin

My girl Chrissy

Blueberry Pancake shots, and Jameson for Chrissy--cuz she's bad ass

All the boys! :)

Jessica, Robyn, Me and J

Yesterday, we headed to St. Paul for Grand Ol Day!

Grand Old Day, is sort of like a street fair that happens every year on the first Sunday in June. It takes place along the city's historic Grand Avenue and is super fun. My BB and her fiance Jake met up with us too, which makes everything more fun!

The main reason we went was because somehow J and his brother Travis got entered in to a Jimmy John's eating contest. At 1:00pm they went up against 2 other competitors to see who could eat a Garatuan sub the fastest.

THAT is a big sub!

About to face off

Ready to eat....

Mowing down....

The first and second place winners got to move on to the next round, unfortunately, J finished 3rd but Travis got 2nd and was able to move on! At 2:00pm another group of four faced off and the top two from that group also advanced to the final. At 3:00pm it was time to square off again, but lucky for Travis, only one of the other finalists showed up, so it was a straight up face off...

Travis ended up winning and walked away with $175 in Jimmy John's gift cards!!!

After we had had enough sun and enough of the crowds we zipped over to Downtown St. Paul for lunch and a much needed adult beverage (Travis, however, won't be hungry for days).

It was great weekend and finally felt like summer!!!!!!!


  1. I spy Corona!!! hehe my fav drink :) it's so refreshing in the summer, isn't it? I mean besides a Coffee Buzz drink..even though I haven't had one, I'm sure they're good! You look super cute in that print dress..!

  2. you look so great in the pictures from the at home reception!
    sounds like loads of fun for you this weekend!

  3. Looks like you had a fun weekend!

  4. I'm so jealous of all those Jimmy John's gift cards! I love me some JJ Country Clubs!

  5. I love your black and white dress. Too funny about the sub eating contest, my fiance loves shrimp and we grilled some this weekend and he said he jokingly said he wanted to be in a shrimp eating contest!


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