Friday, June 3, 2011


I have been horrible about posting pictures both on this lovely blog and facebook, so I'm doing it all now.

Here is what I've been up to this past month.......

I celebrated my friend Robyn's birthday:

My girls-Sarah and Robyn

My honey!

J, Me, Travis & Robyn

I celebrated my friend Sharisse's birthday:

My favorite little guy, BRODY BEAR!

Crazy good (and strong) punch!

Amazing crab cake in green curry

Best friends

The girls

We celebrated our friends Steve and Stephanie getting engaged!

Brides to be!

Grooms to be!

The boys

The girls

I celebrated my brother graduating from college!!!
We had a celebratory dinner at my moms:

A celebratory brunch with my dad's side:

My favorite boys! Brother, Dad, Fiance!

And, we had commencement:

May was crazy busy and crazy fun, and I'm afraid each month from now until November is just going to be crazier and funner (yes funner) than the last!


  1. It makes me more than a little sad that I'm not in a single one of these pictures. Just saying. :(

  2. You have been busy this month..and you and your honey are too cute!! Have a great weekend!

  3. Busy month!! Looks like plenty of good times :-)

  4. You have been so busy! Little Brody is so cute. Congrats to your brother!

  5. lol I love all of the pictures but especially the grooms to be haha, so funny!


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