Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Marvelous Monday

While my heart was heavy for the loss of a dear friend to my (almost) family, I managed to have a really great Monday. Every Monday morning I open Coffee Buzz and while getting up at 5:00am after the weekend isn't ideal, my Monday morning shift is my favorite of the week...I get all my paperwork done on Mondays, so the day goes fast. Plus, I only work from 5:30am until 12:00pm and then have the rest of the day to myself to do whatever I need or want to do.

Yesterday, it was 97 degrees and sunny. So naturally what I wanted to do was go to the pool. Let me just say I LOVE "me time." I am not one of those people who constantly needs to have someone with me, in fact a lot of the time I prefer not to. I spend the majority of my day making small talk with strangers so some quiet time with me, myself and I is always appreciated. So, after work I stopped by Subway and Walgreens to grab a few items to make my "me time" special. Equipped with all the essentials I was headed to our pool.

ps. I got a veggie flat bread from Subway with pepper jack cheese, cucumbers, avocado, lettuce, onion, black olives and salt and pepper....it was DELICIOUS!

After a few hours by the pool I went home to do some laundry. While this isn't the most exhilarating activity, clean clothes and empty hampers make me happy! I also did some general straightening up. Two weeks ago I went on a crazy cleaning frenzy and J and I have been working really hard to keep the house clean since then. It's been just over two weeks and the house still looks great! GO US!

Since I got to spend the majority of the afternoon doing what I enjoy and taking care of myself, I decided the obvious thing to do was to do something nice for each of my babies. So, I cleaned Simon's bowl.

happy turtle!!!

I cleaned Manhattan's bowl.

happy fish!

I got all of J's basketball stuff organized so he didn't have to pack his bag early this morning.

And, I took my favorite little friend for a nice (but hot) walk.

Bailey and I actually walked from our house to my future in-laws house where we met up with J for dinner with his family!


my future father-in-law and grill master, Kevin!

Obviously, drinking wine called "Chill Out"

One of the main reasons I'm excited to be officially part of this family---the food rocks!

Me and my puppy were exhausted from the awesome day.


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss, glad you had a good day though!

  2. Sounds very nice! I love when I'm able to clean up really well and keep it up too! Feels great! :)

  3. Sounds like my kind of day. And my mouth is watering for the Subway sandwich.

  4. I'm commenting again because I went to Subway for lunch and copied your sandwich. It was delish!

  5. So sorry for your loss... looks like a nice relaxing day tho =0)

  6. It sounds like a fantastic day! Love those days where you can both get tons of stuff done but still have free time!

  7. I love me time too and your me time kit looks like exactly what I would buy for mine!! I love your little pup...sooooo cute!!

  8. makes me wish i was there! such a fun weekend!


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