Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wedding Wednesday

We are officially under the 5 month mark and have exactly 150 days until the wedding!!! How is that possible? Time is cruisin' by...and we all know how fast summer goes so really the wedding is going to be here before you know it!

We are in great shape as far as planning goes. We have all of our vendors books and all the big details taken care of, now we're just decided on some of those smaller details and continuing to get those "To Dos" checked off as early as possible.

Here's what we're working on right now:
-GIFTS! I have my bridesmaid gifts completely done, and I am SO excited about them! We know what we're getting the boys we just need a little more cushion in the wedding fund before ordering them. We also know what we're getting our's a work in progress. Our readers and musician gifts are done! I am excited to have the gifts completely taken care of and paid for!

-FAVORS! We are pretty sure we know what we want to do. So, we are finalizing the details on that. I want to go ahead and just order them, but I don't want to get too few or too many but I also don't want to wait for the RSVPs to come back to order them. Ideas?

-Saving! Saving! Saving! We're getting a lot of things out of the way...but obviously the big payments will come closer to the wedding, so we're working hard on getting that wedding fund filled up so we can cover everything we're responsible for come wedding time!

-INVITATIONS! I have them printed and all the other necessary supplies! Now I just need to assemble them, which will be no small task! I can't wait to show them to you!


  1. That's so exciting! I'm sure it will go by so quick! I love weddings! I'm a new follower! :)

    A Little Bit of This & That

  2. so exciting! my tip w the invites is to have a party w your friends and famiy and you can whip those puppies out in no time! plus everyone is always willing to help you, so here's a great way to let them!

    Kristen from Love Lipstick and Pearls

    (blogger comments is still being lame)

  3. I guess I will post under anonymous since that seems to be the only way to do that these days. SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!! They tell you the time goes by fast, but I never felt that way until now! Can't wait to see the invites. If I were anywhere near you, I would totally help you assemble them.


  4. So great that you have done so much. That is our motto around her save save!!

  5. I'm so excited for you! I am sure that the 5 months will come and go very quickly!! Good luck on the rest of your plans!

  6. Yayayayaya its going to be here before you know it!!! Sorry I have been a bad blogcommenter... I am looking forward to hearing all about your big day!

  7. Wow you're so close! Time will FLY by...enjoy it! :)

  8. Ahh 150 days?! It'll be here before you know it. :D

  9. time goes by fast... trust me! i am getting married in two days, and still haven't found all the bridesmaid gifts. luckily, all the vendors are found and paid for.

  10. So exciting!!! I have 2 years till my wedding! It seems like forever away!!!


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