Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Thoughts

It's Thursday again, which means my BB is hosting Thoughts on Thursday!
Head on over to Life, Love & Puppy Prints to play along!

-The wedding is only 156 days away! Is it just me or is time FLYING by?

-It's finally feeling like summer in Minneapolis. I had my first morning by the pool on Tuesday and am already sunburned, whoops!

-I can't believe it's June already!

-I wish there was some way to get an advance on my next 30 would really help me out.

-I have leftover pizza for lunch today....cold pizza might be my favorite thing on the planet.

-J and I decided to make some changes financially to help us spend less money and save more. One thing we did was actually go grocery shopping, normally we just buy as we need stuff and since we rarely have a night at home together we'll each just buy our own dinners. We decided that each pay day we will go grocery shopping and split the cost (so it's fair) and so far in the last 2 weeks (beside dinner last night after his softball game) we have spent $0 on food!!!!! Seriously, that's huge for us!

-I have the redecorating bug BAD right now! There is so much I want to do to our place, but I know I need to wait until after the wedding. Patience is a virtue.

-I'm excited for this weekend! (Who isn't? Right?)


  1. This post is my thoughts exactly!

  2. that's great that you found a way to help save some money!
    We are finally going to be able to since my husband is finally getting a company car =) YAY for not paying for gas for him any more lol =)

  3. Have missed this blog of yours! Grocery shopping defintely helps out and splitting it is the way to go :) I try and pack my lunch normally everyday so I'm not tempted to spend!

  4. Yep we are on the "bride budget" too. PBJ's for lunch and homemade dinners most of the nights we are home. We do treat ourselves out because it definitely gets boring and we need nights out with friends!! Good luck on the new budget..saving can be fun!!

  5. There's not much better than cold pizza!!

  6. so glad you're finding way to save some cash!!! you're getting closer to the wedding date, so exciting!!

  7. i love this! my husband and i own our own business as well and we were awful for going to restaurants all the time, especially after a long day at work. seeing the difference it makes on your credit card makes it totally worth it, plus its way healthier. can't wait to read more (so i'm following you here and on twitter).

    happy friday, lil


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