Monday, July 18, 2011

Back At It

Did ya miss me?

I was in a full-blown blogger funk. My BB and I always talk about how our blogs are for us, they are a journal of this stage in our lives that we will be able to look back on forever. It's the reason I started blogging and the reason I will continue to blog.

Every once and I while I like to throw myself a little pity party, "Table for 1 please!" When I see that follower count stay the same for weeks at a time or God forbid go down, and when I only see a few comments on posts I thought were so great, I get blue. I know my life isn't super interesting, but it's super awesome and if you all don't want to comment on it, then I need to just get over it! HA!

No, I am not begging for followers or for comments, because in the scheme of things it doesn't matter. I just wanted to be honest and let you ladies know that I've been totally unmotivated to blog...and that's part of it.

The other part is that I have been the busiest little bee! July is proving to be quite the crazy month! Which means, I have all kinds of stuff to catch you up on!

I'm looking forward to catching up on all of your blogs! It feels good to be back! :)


  1. I know the feeling but what can ya do? =) Keep it up girl -- those following love what you have to say, even if we don't always have a response =)

    Can't wait to hear what you have been up to!

  2. You don't need to blog every day if you don't feel like it! Jut write when you are motivated! This is what I actually do.

  3. I just love you and your busy bee bloggin' :) I think many people enjoying reading and just don't comment! keep on truckin!

  4. I think we all get in blogging funks, and it's ok! Promise, I'm still reading. ;)

  5. I'm glad you're back! I enjoy reading! I do have to admit I don't check in as often as I should because lately I just haven't commited to blogging as much as I used to. :(

    I love reading your blog and hearing what's going on with you! I hope your wedding plans are coming along well! It will be here before you know it!

    p.s. I know the feeling of being a little blue about followers and not really knowing whose reading my blog. Since changing my blog name I just haven't had the same feedback as before!

  6. I think we all get that way from time to time. Sometimes it's nice to take a break :)

  7. Please do not stop writing you are so talented! I enjoy reading your blog so much. m

  8. I know exactly how you feel. I got tired of playing catch up and decided to just start fresh!

  9. Yah! You're blogging again. It was like the government shutdown .... things we miss and need! But I gotta mention, you address "Ladies (I know fellow bloggers)" but you got men readers too! AND they're HOT, no really, they are just hot. Love ya!

  10. We definitely all get in blogging funks..especially since blogging has become such a HUGE part of my life..I'm afraid its taken over mine so I def need a break sometimes!

  11. Glad you're back BB! I missed you! :)

  12. aww sometimes i feel like that too. i think all bloggers do.

    i missed you though and can't wait for more posts!

    Kristen from Love Lipstick and Pearls

    (blogger comments is still being lame)

  13. I felt the same way a few weeks ago...losing followers is the worst!!! After a few days of feeling sad about it, I kick myself and realize I started this blog for me, so I need to continue to do it for me! :)

    That said, I love your blog and am glad you're back!

  14. I feel bad because I totally stopped commenting on blogs when blogger decided to be stupid and I don't know how to fix it so it will let me comment. Now I guess I have to comment as anonymous always. Dumb.

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