Friday, July 1, 2011

Fitness Friday

Woah, this week went fast! My second week of "eating healthier" went great! The weekend was tough because we had John & Sara's of course there was a little extra eating and drinking going on. It took me a couple of days to get back in to the swing of things, but these last few days have been great!

I'm still using My Fitness Pal to keep track of calories, which is working because I lost 1 pound this week! So I'm down a total of 3.4 pounds (in two weeks!) ps. If any of you use MFP...add me! My username is CoffeeBuzzMN.

I also used Daily Mile to keep track of my miles. I logged 11 miles this week! Which compared to last week's 5 is a huge improvement!

I also started doing some free weight stuff at home....gotta get these arms toned for that wedding dress!!!

I also found a new food obsession! I was STARVING yesterday and my options at Coffee Buzz were not the, I ordered Jimmy Johns. But, it's nearly impossible to get a sub from JJ's for under 600 calories......UNTIL NOW! So here's what I got:

a #12 Beach Club Un-wich (so a lettuce wrap instead of bread)
-No tomato (I hate them)
-No Lettuce (the un-wich is enough lettuce)
-No Sprouts (gross)
-No Mayo (too fatty)
-ADD extra turkey
-Add Onions
-Add Oregano
-Add Italian Vinaigrette

So, basically it was a lot of turkey, provolone cheese, avocado spread, cucumbers, onion, oregano and Italian dressing all wrapped up in a fresh piece of lettuce! IT WAS SOOOO GOOD! All the turkey (protein) filled me up and the veggies were so fresh and so good. AND, because of the dressing it wasn't dry! I didn't miss the mayo at all! Best was only 317 calories!!!

Finally, I got some interest (and some great questions) in regards to doing the Cabbage Soup Diet! My dad has a GIANT book with all the medical research and reasoning behind the soup I am going to talk to him or borrow the book so I can get legit answers to your questions! I'm hoping next Fitness Friday to do a full "information session" on the diet. SO, if any of you have any other questions....hit me up, so I can get them answered! ALSO, it's looking like we're going to do the diet the first week of August, so those of you who are interested: MARK YOUR CALENDARS!

Have a great weekend everyone! Be safe and God Bless America!


  1. I tried an un-which last week and LOVED it. I was so full afterwards and couldn't believe how full I stayed for quite some time. Congrats on the weight loss too!

  2. I started the cabbage soup diet today! We're using it as motivation to get in shape and loose some weight to start. Thanks for all the info on it. :)

  3. I love Jimmie Johns, I'll have to try an un-wich!

  4. Way to go girl! I need to check out these links you mentioned! I have always wondered exactly how many calories I am eating..

  5. just by reading I got hungry :P I'll try JJ's un-wich, what you got sounded yummy!
    Nicole XO

  6. I agree. Bread = gross and mayo = gross.


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