Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Bachelorette

Last weekend I got to celebrate the "last fling before the ring" for my friend Alisha. Alisha is getting married on September 10th and is marrying on of J's best friend's (and one of our groomsmen), Seth.

Alisha is an amazing girl and I am so glad Seth found her. She is a an absolute blast to hang out with I am pumped that I now have a lifelong friend as kickass as Alisha.

For her bachelorette party we all met up for dinner and gift giving at Cooper in the West End and then ventured next door to Toby Keith's "I Love this Bar" for a knee-slappin' good time.

All the girls at Cooper

Me and the adorable Bachelorette

The girls! Sharisse (married to J's best friend), Alisha (marrying one of J's best friends), Carolyn (my BB) and me! :)

Not happy to be taking another shot


lemon drops!

Super cute lead singer of the band that was performing

We had such a blast! It made me so excited for my BB's bachelorette party (which is THIS WEEKEND!) and super duper pumped for my bachelorette parties which are just right around the corner!


  1. ahh a toby keiths i love this bar recently opened near me a few months ago! ive been dying to go

    and your friend making a face about taking a shot? thatd be me! im so bad when it comes to taking shots haha

    xoxox great pics!

  2. You guys are all too cute! I love the hats!! Thanks for all the info on the beauty regemin, you are way ahead of me, I better get on top of it!! Hope you gals recovered nicely from what looks like an amazing night out!

  3. You guys are beautiful! {so is that lead singer haha} and I want to go to that bar..sounds like a blast. I'm sure you guys will feel great in the morning after Carolyn's bach party ;)

  4. Looks like you girls had a blast!

  5. Fun! That lead singer is a hottie!

  6. looks like a great weekend! hope this upcoming one is just as fun!

    Kristen from Love Lipstick and Pearls

    (blogger comments is still being lame)

  7. How exciting!!! Looks like your friend and all of you had a fun and fabulous the pictures! Bet you are super excited fro yours!

    Liesl :)

  8. I can't wait for this weekend. Faces = partied off. Can't wait.


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