Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wedding Wednesday: Outfitted

Alright chicas....911. We're half way through July which means summer is in full swing, which also means my year of weddings and wedding related events is officially a "GO." I have successfully dressed myself for the first three weddings of the year...

...and now I'm stuck.

I have SO much fun stuff coming up (I seriously get so excited I shake) and I need to look the part. In a perfect world I would be out shopping for a fabulous new outfit for every little thing, but like most girls, I don't have that luxury. So...I dug deep in my closet and found some stuff I haven't worn in years (thank you sorority formals and fraternity date parties) and some new stuff my grandma has recently bought me. THANKS GRANDMA! And yes, you should be grandma has awesome taste! With the help of my darling fiance/photographer I will be giving you girls a virtual fashion show in hopes that you can help me figure out what to wear to what. Please excuse the wet hair and no make up! Here's what I'm thinking. Let me know what you think, PLEASE!

July-BB's Bachelorette Party (must wear black)

I can't decide between these two...I'm leaning slightly more towards the all black dress simply because it's a little longer (don't want any 'oops' moments while busting a move) and because I have more cute shoe options with the all black. But, it's also pretty boring. THOUGHTS?

August-My First Shower! (poolside...but not a pool party, think happy hour by a pool)
The first floral dress is super comfy and cute, but it's too big, so I'd need to have it altered. Plus, this is a pretty casual affair, so it might be a little dressy. If I don't wear the middle dress to my BB's bach party, it might be a good choice. BUT, I think I'm leaning towards the third look. The skirt is new (from my g-ma) and I love it. I would wear it with a sparkly white tank from Express (not that generic beater I have on in the pic) and I'm thinking I would wear these Target flip flops:


August-My Bachelorette Lake Weekend (night out in a small town)

I bought this first dress specifically for this's beachy, casual and comfortable but it's still cute and it's white for the bride-to-be. BUT, I clearly did not try it on before purchasing it and had no idea about how see-through it is. So, I really need some help in the undergarments department if I'm going to wear this.

September-Friends Seth & Alisha's Wedding

The first dress is one of my faves! It's BCBG and I originally wore it to my very last sorority formal. The second dress is brand new (from g-ma), it's a Jessica Simpson. I love it but I'm wondering if it might be a little too formal for the wedding. The next dress is that same one I've considered wearing to everything else...maybe this is the perfect event for it. The last dress was one I wore as a bridesmaid in my friend Brianna's wedding last spring. I love it, but as I was typing this I realized the wedding colors are very fall (red and orange) so I think a giant pink flower will hardcore clash. THOUGHTS?

September-Bachelorette Party (downtown Minneapolis)
I GOT NUTHIN'. I will most definitely be buying a new dress for this event! I want something sparkly! Something like this:

September-My Second Bridal Shower (hosted by my lovely Auntie L)

This is really the only dress in the running right now. I really like it! It's a new one from my grandma. My only concern, the shower is going to be sometime in September, is that color OK? I was thinking of wearing nude pumps with it.

September-BB & Jake's Rehearsal nuthin! It's going to be a casual, the ceremony rehearsal is at a park downtown St. Paul and then dinner is going to be a BBQ. It's going to be fun and chill and I can't wait. Maybe if I don't find anywhere else to wear this, I can wear it there.

October-My Third Bridal Shower
(hosted by my amazing Bridesmaids)
I think this shower might need to be another new purchase. It's going to be mid-October, so I definitely need to dress for the season. I want to wear a dress, so I'm thinking something along the lines of one of these BCBG dresses or this b&w White House Black Market dress:

My biggest concern is the season. I don't want anything too summery.

November-Wedding Rehearsal/Groom's Dinner
(remember, it's November in MN...could be chilly)
I know for absolute sure that I am wearing these shoes:

I got these in NYC for my mom's wedding last summer and I LOVE them! Now I'm trying to decide between these two dresses:

Both of these dresses are new additions, courtesy of my grandma and I love them both. I absolutely love the one shoulder dress, but I'm wondering if it's too summery for November? I think the black and white dress might be more appropriate for the time of year and for the event. What do you think?

Whew, I know that's a lot......but, READY. SET. GO!


  1. OK. Here I go:

    My bachelorette party: all black dress. Just get some fun jewelry and wear fun shoes, and you'll be fine!

    Poolside shower: DEFINITELY that gray skirt. SO CUTE! And those flip flops would be so cute with it!

    Lake weekend: I love the dress, just not sure what to do with it! Blah! Hopefully someone else has better advice. HAHA

    Seth & Alisha's wedding: I say the BCBG dress or the black and white flowered one!

    Your bachelorette party: Either of those dresses will be AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Aunt Bridal Shower: I think that pink dress will be perfect! If nothing else, you could top it with a cute black cardigan or something to "season" it better. But I think it's fine just the way it is!

    Our rehearsal: I think that dress would be perfect for that!

    Bmaid shower: That long sleeve black dress. You've been trying to wear that to EVERYTHING! Just do it! :)

    Your rehearsal dinner: I love both of those dresses! I don't think you have to worry about the season with either of them! Both are GORG!

    Hopefully I helped. I think you knew all of my opinions before this though. LOL

  2. Alright, I've this in the bag.

    First event: 1st dress. not the all black. not bad, but the 1st is cute and fun.

    2nd: gray skirt for SURE.

    bach wknd: IDK what to do with see through. that's when I turn to F21 for a $13 summer dress.

    friends wknd: either 2nd or last. the last one fits your frame wonderfully!

    wedding rehearsal: def one shoulder j.simps!

  3. 1. For the BB's Bach:Dress on left, so cute! you can get these nice nude shorts to wear underneath from Target for any oops moments. That's what I wear with everything single dress.

    2. For your shower, I LOVELOVELOVE!!!! the white top/grey skirt dress combo. So cute and perfect for a party by the pool.

    3. the one-shouldered dress, it look amazing on you!

    Kristen from Love Lipstick and Pearls

    (blogger comments is still being lame)

  4. That one-shouldered dress looks fantastic! You must wear it at least once. I really like the gray skirt too! I think a little casual it good. I totally remember that black and white BCBG dress from photos- it's cute!

    I am not wearing white to my bachorette party in Vegas unless I stumble across one- I cannot find one! So I'm wearing black!


  5. Girl you have lots of cute options, I agree with the commenters above on my faves.

    BUT a fun thing to consider is tons of cute dresses for cheap! I did this for my bachelorette party dress and it was super easy and the dress was adoreable! You will (probably) take tons of pics (espically at your B-party in MSP) you won't feel bad if you don't wear it again when you feel like "everyone's seen it".

    Just another option :-)

  6. You have amazing clothes! Much better than whats in my closet. I love the Jessica Simpson dress and wish my grandma had beautiful taste like that!

  7. i'm super jealous you have so many things you get to wear dresses for!

    okay, so for the first bach party i say the all black dress.

    your shower, i pick the third outfit.

    for the sept wedding, i pick the one shouldered all black dress. it's PERFECT!

    sept bach party, i pick the first one. i love the sparkles.

    i think pink for a sept bridal shower is great! pink is still summery but can totally be pulled into the fall.

    october shower, i'd go with navy. black may be too formal or winterish... but navy seems very appropriate!

  8. aww, i love weddings. although i've never actually been to one. atleast one that i can remember.

    1. BB's Bachelorette Party: the black and white dress.

    2. Shower: the white and grey ruffle dress.

    3. Friend's wedding: the black one shoulder ruffled strap dress.

    GOOD LUCK! you're fully booked, it's insane. that would be so much fun.


  9. Wow, three bridal showers?! Dang girl. Haha You'll get some awesome loot. ;)

    For BB's Bach - go all black, for your first shower, I like the floral dress. Just wear simple flip flops! For your friends wedding, I like that dress with the big flower on the side, it's so flattering on you! and I definitely vote something sparkly for your bachelorette.

    You're going to look fantastic no matter what you wear!


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