Thursday, August 11, 2011

Guest Room Day Dreaming

I am so excited for my wedding and even more excited to finally be married to J, but another thing that has me super pumped is to finally be able to redecorate our townhouse! J and I came up with a little 5-year-plan and have agreed that we are going to spend a couple more years in our townhouse (it'll be three years since we moved in this November). Part of the deal is that I get to redecorate and make our place feel more like a home. With all of the little extra money we have going to the wedding fund, my redecorating dreams have been put on hold. Once we are back from the honeymoon though you better believe I will be diving head first in to operation "Make this Place Cute."

While I have big plans for pretty much every room in the house the room I am most excited about redoing is our guest room/office. It is pretty sad in it's current state:

This is an older picture and we have since gotten some new bedroom furniture from J's grandparents, but the room still needs a lot of work!

I know for sure I want to do the room in a gray, black and yellow color scheme and have been spending my free time day dreaming about a fabulous room in those colors.

I have decided I need to find a print or poster of Jackson Pollock (one of my favorite artists)'s painting appropriately named "Black Grey Yellow"


  1. You aren't a Steelers fan are you?!?!? I can't remember lol I love the 2nd pic!gorgeous :)

  2. I got twin cats that look just like his paintings! They would match your room! I love your taste.

  3. Very pretty color scheme. I can't wait till after the wedding and we buy a house and I can focus on re-decorating and making our home a home!

  4. So exciting! We're moving in just a month and the thing I'm most excited for is (re)decorating and getting some new furniture, rugs, etc! Love that Pollock painting, btw!

  5. I love your inspiration pics! That color combo is very IN right now! Cute.


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