Monday, August 15, 2011

Music, Movies and Books

Lately I've been filling my precious free time with new movies, music and books. Last week my dad, step-mom and I went to the Sade concert! My dad and I are obsessed with Sade and saw her last tour which was 11 years ago! I was pumped to find out that after 11 years she was releasing a  new album and once again touring. We knew this was a must-see show and let me tell was AMAZING!

Dinner at O'Donovan's before the show

Her big entrance!

Part of her set...pretty cool!

In the suite!

 The show was incredible and I have been obsessing over her new album, Soldier of Love ever since.

I have also been listening to Luke Bryan's new album "Tailgates and Tanlines" non-stop since it came out last week. I am really becoming quite obsessed. You all know how much I love 'Country Girl' but the rest of the album is equally as good! If you're a country fan I highly suggest you go grab this one!

 Friday night, J took me to see Crazy, Stupid, Love and it was SOOO good! I absolutely loved it and shockingly so did J. I actually think he may have liked it more than I did, he hasn't stopped talking about it and is already planning on buying it when it comes out. It was so funny and so cute and I won't even go in to Ryan Gosling....O-M-G. If you haven't seen it yet, you definitely should! It's a great date night movie! 

J and I also just recently watched The Lincoln Lawyer, which I also really enjoyed. It's crazy to think that was based off of a true story. Again, a great movie to rent and watch with your'll both love it.

Last night I had the house to myself and while I was tackling the mountainous piles of laundry that have formed in my bedroom, I watched Just Go With It and surprise, surprise I LOVED IT. Again, super cute and super funny. I love Adam Sandler and Jen Aniston is my idol so it was a win-win. I was most impressed with the kid actors in the movie....they were amazing! This is yet another great movie that both girls and boys (hello, Brooklyn Decker) will enjoy!

And finally, after hearing so much about it via facebook, twitter and you blogs I decided to jump on The Hunger Games bandwagon! What took me so long?! Holy smokes! I bought the trilogy for my Nook (only $17.99, I might add) and am absolutely LOVING it! I flew through Hunger Games in a day and a half and am now halfway through Catching Fire. Addicted. I can't wait for the movie to come out!

Do you have any recent faves? Music? Movies? Books?


  1. I looove Sade! She's SO good! I bet she puts on an amazing show! Glad you had a nice time!

    I also wanna see Crazy Stupid Love... so thanks for the recommendation! I saw Lincoln Lawyer the other week and liked it too.. but my husband didn't. He didn't like the ending, but I thought it was good! :)

  2. OK you took the words out of my mouth about Just go with it...the kid actors were HILARIOUS! That girl is going to be an amazing actress when she grows up..I mean, she already is. They had me CRACKING up. I was so surprised with how good the movie was!

  3. ALL Gooood! Good looking pictures of the three of you. Love you and miss you.

  4. Just Go With It was such a cute movie. :)

    Yay for Sade!!

  5. OMG, I am on Mockingjay right now and I totally agree! I made it through the second book in less than 2 weeks and that was just reading a bit before bed. I am going to be so sad when it's over.

    PS, every time I hear Luke Bryan now, I think of you. LOL!

  6. Ok so I officially need to see Crazy, Stupid Love bc EVERYONE is loving it! I also need to jump on The Hunger Games bandwagon - those books sound beyond amazing!

  7. I really want to see Crazy STupid Love!

  8. Just found your blog thru Katie at Keep Calm and Carry On and just had to comment on this post b/c I just did a similiar posts about my reading habits. I've heard only good things about the Hunger Games trilogy so now I'm tempted to try it out. Just saw Luke Bryan last Thurs in concert so pictures may be up on my blog soon if you're interested in taking a look. ;) I also HAVE to see Crazy, Stupid Love and soon, Ryan Gosling is just too much for words!


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