Friday, September 23, 2011


I have a love hate relationship with Fall. The main reason I hate it is because it means summer (my favorite season) is over and winter is coming (if you live in Minnesota....winter is the devil. especially for someone who prefers 90 and sunny, like myself.) But, there are so many amazing things about Fall, it's hard not to love it!

First of all, Gopher football! Duh!

Halloween is my favorite holiday and I LOVE toasted pumpkin seeds. LOVE them!

HOT APPLE CIDER. Enough said.

But, I think the most exciting thing about fall is the TELEVISION! I love my shows and the start of fall means the return of all my faves!

And, my personal favorite.....

Who else is wound up about Fall TV?


  1. I have a love hate relationship with fall to!! But mine is quite the opposite of yours... Here in Texas we practically have summer heat until mid October... or later. I've had Thanksgivings and Christmas's where I can wear shorts and a tshirt! BOO! I would give anything for cooler temps :) Although today is quite pleasent.

    And I love that all of my tv shows are back too :)

  2. Ok... I love what you said about Fall! I am so sad to see summer go, and totally dreading winter! But no one else seems to share my state of mind about fall :)
    And yes, definitely loving fall tv! I guess it's a good thing it's getting colder... all I want to do is snuggle up with my man and a blanket and watch tv :)

  3. You gotta get out of MN sometimes and come visit an Ohio winter! def not as bad and with a lot less snow. Yes? I think so!

  4. I'm so excited for Boardwalk Empire to start again!

  5. Hot apple cyder aaawww I have a craving now!!!

  6. I in fact love fall... here in boston everything has this special tinge... I just love it!!

  7. Oh yea I cleaned out the DVR last night in preparation for all the new shows out and added the series to tape for many new ones!!!


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