Monday, September 26, 2011

My Friends.

One of my gorgeous friends (and bridesmaid), Courtney, is starting a journey today that no one would have ever expected.

Last week Courtney was disagnosed with Stage 2 Lymphocyte Predominate Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Her prognosis is good and the doctor used the word "curable" more than once however the road will be long. Court is starting her first of 5 chemotherapy treatments as I write this. Her last treatment is November 7th and from there she will do two weeks of radiation.

Courtney is the kindest and most caring person and is truly the kind of friend, wife and mom that I aspire to be. It's going to be a long on painful road and as strong as I am trying to be, I am scared to death. But, I also know that if anyone is strong enough and has the attitude to beat this, it is Courtney. Please keep my beautiful friend in your thoughts and prayers.

In much happier news, one of my other incredibly gorgeous friends (and bridesmaid) got engaged last night!

My friend Christina is officially engaged! I am sooooo happy and excited for her and her FIANCE Aaron. They are perfect for each other and I am so excited to go through this whole wedding planning craziness with Christina!


  1. Sorry to hear about your friend =( How scary! But congrats to your other friend!

  2. Praying for your friend! It is a scary road, but God can work miracles! My dad is currently in remission from lung cancer!

  3. wishing the best for your friend court, congrats and best wishes to Christina!

  4. Yay! You changed it!!! :) Now I can comment more! Xoxoxoxo!

  5. Everyone pray, pray, pray. Studies show prayer helps!! She's a trooper! Congrats to Christina & Aaron, they are a great couple.... and he is a good dancer (good ol Bock memory). How is BB? Nervous?, Weather will be a beautiful fall day, colors, no bugs and no sweating. Love you!

  6. So sorry to hear about your friend but y'all have to stay strong for her. My cousin was diagnosed with Hodgkins last February and she's already cured and back to living a normal life!! Like you said, it will be a long, hard road but it's totally doable and she and her family and friends will be so much stronger because of it. I will say a little prayer for her and you. love ya! xoxo

  7. I wish all the strength to your friend Courtney!

  8. Congrats to Christina, Please post all about the planning of her wedding ;)
    And All the good energy and best thought for Courtney... never stop thinking positive!

  9. Courtney is going to do great!

    And as for Christina - at least she has you to help her plan the wedding! :)

  10. Prayers and love out to your friends. :)

  11. Praying and sending and strength to friend 1 and congrats to friend 2!


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