Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Dream _________

My favorite morning radio show did a "getting to know you" bit on their website where they all posted their dream (blank). I decided to copy them and do one of my own! Feel free to their questions and post them to your own blog so we can all get to know you better!

My Dream...BODY
Dancers body. Need I say more? She's thin, toned and muscular! Not scrawny and not gross.

Greece! I am Greek and I am dying to visit the homeland!

My Dream...DRINK
Their question, not mine...but any excuse to profess my love of Twisted Tea! I seriously LOVE it! And, good news for's a Coors Product which means fiance gets it for cheeeeap! 

My Dream...HOUSE
Like everyone, I'd love to have a big beautiful home but I wouldn't want a stark, giant mansion where I never see my family. I definitely want a big, classic and comfy house. The house above isn't necessarily THE one, but something like it would make me very happy! 

My Dream...JOB
I'm loving my new job, but my dream has always been to be a stay-at-home mom! I'd love to keep the house clean, play with my babies and master the kitchen! 

My Dream...CAR
My first car was a VW Beetle and I loved it so much! I miss that car every day. I would love, love, love to get a brand new convertible, baby blue, with black leather seats! 

My Dream...MAN
Awwwww, cute right? I know I know! That's cheating! But it's pretty obvious who my dream man (besides J) is....

Play along! What's your dream?


  1. cute idea! I may have to do this as well!

  2. Super cute idea! I may do this next week :)

  3. great idea! i totes agree w you on the body!!

  4. i'll take the body and the house please. lol. adore this post. I'd love if you'd check out of my latest Lauren Conrad inspired outfit post. I took the pictures in front of her old house on the Hills. So pretty.Love to hear what you think.Thanks love. xoxo

  5. love this!! And I'd KILL for Julianne's body as well...she's just so stinkin' adorable!! xoxo


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