Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wedding Wednesday: Blogging Bride

I am getting married. And, I need some advice....
You all have been with me from the've followed along as I opened my business and closed my business, as we got engaged and throughout the wedding planning process. I OBVIOUSLY want to share every last wedding detail with all of you once the big day comes. BUT, I realize not all of you care to see every last detail. Once the big day has come and gone I will probably be able to fill up 300 posts with details and photos from the big day.....but do you want to read 300 posts on the details and photos from the big day?

So, I'm asking you, my beloved followers, How should I share my wedding?

Should I split it up in to Wedding Wednesdays and share different aspects of the wedding each Wednesday?

Should I go balls to the wall and do 300 consecutive posts with all things wedding, so I just get it over with?

Should I just do one big post with pics from the big day to give you a summary of what went down?

What do you want?

Those of you who have been Blogging Brides----what did you do? How did you share all the details of your big day?


K, thanks! :)

Also, remember my friend Christina who just got engaged?! Well, a little update....she got engaged on top of the Eiffel Tower! Her and her fiance took a weekend trip to Paris and didn't tell anyone but her's OK to hate her.
SOOOO happy for them!


  1. Personally I love Wedding Wednesday. m

  2. I love wedding recaps, it's the whole reason I follow wedding blogs.

    Where I would be totally fine with 300 wedding related posts, I think you should recap your wedding in whatever way you feel comfortable.

  3. I say do 567 {or 300 or whatever} consecutive posts. Waiting a week in between may be too long to wait for some of us! haha it's fun to see them back to back!

  4. I would love to read as many posts as you would like to do for your wedding. I always love reading the wedding recaps! It is always really cool to be able to see some of the key moments of someone else's big day!

  5. Maybe you could do a "Wedding Week" where you do a weeks worth of posts on the wedding and then if there is still stuff left to share break it down to one post a week or "Wedding Wednesday". I personally want to hear/see every last detail :)

  6. I like the wedding week idea. (I also like the idea of continuing wedding Wednesdays) And I've seen it done where people dedicate a post to each thing: rehearsal, details, getting ready, ceremony, reception (may take 2 posts) and honeymoon... But I'd love to see photos and hear about it! I love weddings!

  7. When I was planning my wedding, I did my posts on Wednesdays. Occasionally, I would do another post during the week, regarding drama and stuff like that.

  8. I would like to hear it all! I love all about wedding and new ideas! Please share as much as you can, I will be reading it all!! :)

  9. i love to read about weddings! i say write every day about your wedding! and if you get tired of doing that... switch to a wedding wednesday post.

  10. i love reading about weddings, depending on how many pics you have i'd say to do a bunch of consecutive posts right away of the big things and then just weekly after that for the smaller things. that's what i did anyways and it worked. I read one blog where they did wedding wednesdays and her wedding posts went on for MONTHS and i got over it after a while.

  11. I want to know every detail too! Pretty much all of my followers are brides or brides to be and I know that's why they are following me, to see what others have done and to learn from our mistakes. I am in the process of recapping my wedding now. I made an outline before I started recapping of how I wanted to break it down, and it has come to about 40 posts total to recap everything. I post Mon-Thursday on wedding recaps (with things here and there if I go to another wedding or Chris and I celebrate an anniversary) and on Fridays I Post a Wedding "find" of the week with a funny wedding picture or video that is not related to my wedding.

    I don't think anyone will judge you for writing 300+ recaps on your wedding..that's what wedding blogs are for!

  12. 300 wedding posts!!! Once I get my butt in gear, I will be posting everything wedding :)

  13. I like all the posts seperated out..thats how I got some of my DIY ideas from seeing other blogging brides posts..def go with the 300 posts, don't leave out a single detail of your big day!!!


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