Friday, September 2, 2011

One Year Ago Today...

It was just a regular old Thursday, which meant I was working open-close at Coffee Buzz. I remember the day going by really slow because I was so excited for that night. For those of you who don't know I am a die-hard University of Minnesota Gopher football fan and that night was the first game of the season. The game was away at Middle Tennessee State but TCF Bank Stadium (where the Goph's play) was hosting a public viewing party where we could go and watch the game on the jumbotron with other Gopher fans.

It rained almost the entire day. I was pretty bummed because I had been so excited to start the season off at the stadium. J and I talked on the phone several times that day trying to come up with a plan. At J's suggestion we decided that we would head to campus rain or shine to go to the stadium and at the very least get a couple of pictures.

Per usual, I spent the day chatting (I think this was pre g-chat during our Facebook days) with my BB about her wedding! I remember we were discussing whether or not she should hire a videographer. I sent an e-mail to my favorite married friend (an now bridesmaid), Courtney and said:

Hi Court,

I wish I had a wedding question for myself....but I have one for a friend. She's debating on whether or not to do a videographer. I'm advising her to do it because I know a lot of people who don't regret it. I was wondering who you used, if you were happy with them and if you don't mind telling me about how much you paid? She's worried it won't fit in to her budget, so I'm trying to give her an estimate and somewhere to start!

Thanks lady!!!!

This e-mail was later printed out and sent to me in an engagement card with the date circled. Another coincidence was that J had told me we were going to go ring shopping that weekend. So, that whole day I was on jeweler websites looking at rings and obviously sharing links with Carolyn. There were a couple I found that I loved and seemed to have good prices so I was texting them to J. Little did I know he was out with his younger brother (it was his 21st birthday that day) and he had a ring in his pocket.

6:00pm finally rolled around and it was time to close Coffee Buzz. J came to pick me up and help me close. I changed in to my Gopher gear and was ready to hit the road. One of my favorite parts of this story I didn't realize was significant until after we were engaged. While I was doing the dishes at Coffee Buzz, J came back and asked me which side was my good side? I always demand to stand on a certain side because I hate all pictures taken from the other side. I didn't think much of it, so I showed him the left side of my face. He said "Oh your right, that side is way cuter." We both laughed and I forgot completely about it. Turns out he was asking so he knew which pocket to put the ring in, cuz he was going to have someone takes pictures and he knew I would make him stand on my right. How cute is that?

We were finally on the road to campus and the skies seemed to be getting darker and darker. We parked the car and started our trek to the stadium. About one block in it started to absolutely pour. Luckily, we were able duck under a little overhang right by the Gopher's practice field.

The rain let up after a few minutes and we were once again on our way to the stadium. I couldn't believe my eyes...there was a gorgeous rainbow descending in to the stadium! I got so excited and started yelling "It's good luck! The Gophers are going to win!" J just smiled.
As we were walking out to the field J looks at me and says, "Is this the best day of your life?" I thought about it and was like, "Um....not the best day. But, I'm excited." I thought that was super weird. Now I think it's super cute.....cuz it was the best day of my life.

We watched the first quarter and a half of the game and were having a blast. The Gophers were winning and there were a ton of super cute kids running around who were hilarious to watch. J kept watching this one family taking pictures of their kid. To the point where I thought it was getting weird....of course, he had a plan. About mid-way through the second quarter I got really cold. We decided to leave at halftime so that we could watch the rest of the game at my dad's house (my dad and brother are even bigger Gopher fans than I am). As we were getting up J told me he was going to ask the lady taking pictures of her kid to take our picture. Without batting an eye he walked over whispered he was about to propose and asked her to take pictures. Cool as a cucumber the lady simply said "OK." I had absolutely NO IDEA what was about to happen to me....

We left immediately to go to my dad's house and tell my family! They were all so excited, and I couldn't stop crying or smiling.

The Gophers won that night and as soon as the game was over we went to J's dads to celebrate his brother's birthday and share our good news. We ended the night at my mom's house with a champagne toast! We had so much fun celebrating with our families and calling our friends in between.

It was the absolute best surprise and the best possible way to get engaged. I can't believe a year has already gone by and we are now just two months away from our wedding! I could not be more excited for our wedding weekend and for the rest of our lives together. I feel like the luckiest girl in the entire world.


  1. i LOVED this!!

    you're so lucky you have pictures to document!

  2. I never get sick of hearing this story. :) And I am still jealous that you have pictures and I don't. HAHA

  3. I love your story!!! Congrats on one year :D

  4. That's so cute! What an awesome guy!

  5. As Christina said "What an awesome guy" and yes he is, I know from experience, which brings me to, you'd have to be an awesome girl for him to ask to marry and you are and you two are beautiful, thank you!

  6. That is a great story. One you can tell for a life time.

  7. Awesome story!! and one year now!! congrats ;)

  8. I LOVE your engagement story!! I loved it the first time i read it =) Happy engage-iversary =)

  9. What an awesome story, it made me almost tear up! I love that you have action pics of the purposal..what an awesome plan J had!!

  10. omg. love love love this. so incredibly sweet. adore this post. if you get a second I'd love if you'd check out this weeks fash fave and fash fail. I'd love to hear what you think. thanks love. xoxo

  11. what a cute story! congratulations!!


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