Monday, September 12, 2011

The New Chapter is Opened

Hey blog friends! Did you miss me? Did you even notice I was gone? :)

I apologize for my absence, but these past two weeks have been an absolute whirlwind. J and I closed our business and both started new jobs. I'm going to give you more details on the new jobs in a later post, but as you can imagine these last couple of weeks have been incredibly emotional, stressful and exciting. But somehow, amongst all the chaos, we were able to squeeze in some fun!

Here's what we've been up to.

We went to the Minnesota State Fair with some of our favorite friends

The Gopher's season know you're all jealous of that awesome hat!

 I had my second bridal shower {more on that later}

AND, this past weekend our dear friends Seth and Alisha got married!

Alisha was an absolutely stunning bride

And Seth looked pretty good himself
The ceremony was beautiful

The reception was a blast

And I was able to go home with a really hot groomsman :)

I hope you are all doing well, I am excited to get caught up on your blogs and see what you've been up to!


  1. welcome back...excited to hear some of the new stuff going on in your life!

  2. The hat! OMG! Wait for Dillybar to see! Hopefully Coach Kill will be alright. Beautiful wedding and you guys looked great! New beginnings for alot of us.... which is all good and thank God and bless us all. AND glad you're bloggin again.

  3. Hope you're doing well! The photo from your wedding shower is gorgeous-- love your dress and heels!! :-D

  4. That blue looks BEAUTTTIIFULLL on you!!! Wear that color more often my love!

    I hope my email cheered you up :) When are we getting job updates? I really wannnaaa know what's goin on!

    Love ya!

  5. Girl, you have a TON going on. Can't wait to hear all about it.

  6. What a beautiful wedding..can't wait to hear all about the shower and new job, hope you are enjoying it!


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