Thursday, October 27, 2011

Check, Check and Check

I am cruising through these last weeks of wedding planning with the greatest of ease! It's hard to concentrate on anything non-wedding related, so I've just been taking care of all things wedding, you all know how I love to get stuff crossed off my list! Things are going so well and getting done so quickly that I am just waiting for a bomb to drop.....

I have all of the presents for the wedding party, our parents and my honey wrapped and I even have the cards written!
Our guest room has officially been converted to Wedding Central.

I have my bridesmaid's breakfast all ordered and organized, as well as lunch for the wedding party. Thanks to Panera Bread and Subway!

I went to the salon where I am getting my nails done and picked out my manicure and pedicure colors:
for my hands
for my toes

My engagement ring has been dropped off and is being cleaned and re-dipped so it can look like this again:

The welcome bags are all put together and ready to be dropped off at the hotel! 
{whoopsies, I forgot to take a pic}

All of my Guest blog posts are done and scheduled! Thanks ladies!!!!! 

I met with all of my vendors last week to finalize the day-of schedule and coordinate all those last details.

Thank you notes have gone out to all of those who sent wedding presents ahead of time.

The reception and ceremony materials have been separated, boxed and are ready to be dropped off early next week! 

I've even started laying out clothes to be packed for the honeymoon!!!

9 days people. 9 frickin' days! SINGLE DIGITS!
Time to enjoy our last weekend as an engaged couple and prepare for the WEDDING WEEK filled with pampering, family, friends and a ton of fun!!! 


  1. YOU'RE WELCOME!! as for the guest post ;)

    single digits hollaaaaa

  2. you are on top of it lady!! can't wait to hear all about it!! best wishes my love!

  3. MILand DILw/love/MilacaOctober 27, 2011 at 11:19 AM

    Again, I love your organization! huge pet peeve of mine, you know! You are one of the few, with this great quality! Awesome job MIL's lil chow chow!

  4. Holy COW you are so ahead of the game! I can only hope I am half as organized as you 9 days before the big day!

  5. Eek! You have so much done and ready to go! 9 DAYS! YAY

  6. I am so super impressed with how on top of EVERYTHING you are :) You go girl! Enjoy your day!

  7. You were so on top of it all! That's wonderful! I was a wreck the last couple weeks before our wedding! lol


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